Dan Sehn talks about JUNKYARD JOE

Dan Sehn is also the Writer of Argo 5 and Sorority of Power. He enjoys working out and watching pro-wrestling in his rare free time. He has a new dual Kickstarter out now for his Junkyard Joe comics. Dan was nice enough to stop by First Comics News to let our readers know all about Joe.

First Comics News: Who is Joe Jenkins?

Dan Sehn: Joe is a single dad doing the best he can to raise his daughter. He’s also a bit of an inventor and utilizes old technology in the Junkyard to create various household gadgets. A rash of items being stolen in the junkyard that he owns had Joe create some non-lethal weapons to protect his property.

1st: Who is Allie Jenkins?

Dan: Joe’s daughter Allie is a rambunctious comic fan. She loves the adventures of masked crime-fighters but her favorite hero is still her dad.

1st: What happened to Mrs. Jenkins?

Dan: Unfortunately she succumbed to a villain that’s all too real, cancer. With cancer survivors in my family, I thought that would be something more real for the family to deal with over ficticious threats.

1st: Is Junk Yard Joe a superhero or a cosplay Dad?

Dan: Well, at this point he’s just your average Joe (no pun intended) but circumstances will push him towards heroism.

1st: How does he get his powers?

Dan: He doesn’t have powers but he was a boxer in his youth.

1st: What are his crime fighting skills?

Dan: Aside from being a talented fighter he’s also an inventor utilizing the junk in his junkyard to Maguyver inventions and weapons.

1st: What does Joe do with Allie when he is off saving the world?

Dan: When saving the world or even making deliveries, Allie’s older friend Becky is sort of a babysitter

1st: What is the connection with Subject Alpha?

Dan: Beyond sharing this Kickstarter these two heroes share the dimension theyu call home as they both reside in the Thunderzone Universe which is a shared universe with creator owened characters from across the globe.

1st: Why do a dual Kickstarter?

Dan: Thunderzone has a lot of titles to release so we don’t want to keep the readers waiting too long for each release. On a secondary note, people save on shipping with the dual release.

1st: What is the minimum pledge for a digital copy?

Dan: Each book is $5 digitally but $8 for both is a better deal.

1st: What is the minimum pledge for a print copy?

Dan: In the same vein, $12 would get a physical copy of either but $20 is the pledge for both.

1st: What type of rewards are you offering?

Dan: We priotize the comics, including a Spanish language edition of Subject Alpha, but we do have rewards for your character on a variant cover, a cameo in our upcoming THUNDER GUARD book or even to have a full comic produced for you.

1st: What makes Junkyard Joe so cool no true comic fan should miss your Kickstarter?

Dan: I feel that Junkyard Joe is a pretty original concept. I have sharpened my skills on 40 issues of Argo 5 so I’d say readers are in for a great story on this one. Suluh Radityo really showed off his talents as a tripple threat in doing art, colors and letters which will impress readers. We also have a back-up story of “Trials of Vulcan” brought in by Francisco Zamora utilizing an intriguing public domain character in Vulcan who will star in his own comic in an upcoming Thunderzone campaign.

1st: Visit Dan’s Junkyard Joe Kickstarter

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