The Indie Crossover Event continues as the story shifts into high gear and the ass kicking starts! Plus COSMOS Issues 1-6 & One-Shots.
Are you new to COSMOS and Advent Comics? Well, we want you to join in on the fun and have made the first issue of the COSMOS Maxi-Series available to you to read before you pick up the latest issues.

This campaign gives you 48 pages of a superhero/sci-fi maxi-series where cosmic storytelling meets superheroes.

COSMOS is a twelve issue comic series written by Tony Kittrell with amazing art provided for this campaign by artists Marcelo Mueller and Marcos Ramos Filho, colored by Ross Hughes and Memo Regalado with letters by Mindy Lopkin. These will be full color comic books with some incredible variant covers thrown into the mix!
Issues 7 and 8 of this twelve issue comic series equals 48 pages. Also available as add ons are other titles from Advent Comics such as Darklight & Crew and Dark Matter: Rise of the Lexicons. You may also add on all subsequent issues from the COSMOS title – COSMOS Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

COSMOS is a story about GENESIS…a familiar character thrown into an unfamiliar environment!

The Universe is in Chaos!
Earth is under attack by an invasion force from the Regime Empire that have come in search of the now revealed Relic, an immortal demigod with a score to settle and foretold to lead to the destruction of the universe. Relic, along with Regime Military Commanders Armada and Minion, have teleported off world as Legend & The Vanguard and The Regulators have put together a strategy to stop the invasion. Even with their leaders gone, the Regime invasion force continues its relentless attack upon the planet. But Earth’s governments conducted a secret mission to take the battle to the invasion flagship…and won! But that hard fought victory came at a great cost.
The cosmic entity known as Enigma the Soultaker has been revealed to be a captive of the evil magician Shaitan who has been impersonating him in order to steal the powerful Star Crest Gem from Genesis to enact his own power-hungry scheme of becoming ruler of the universe. Found by the Starforce, Genesis now has allies in his search for Shaitan and to bring peace to this chaotic universe by any means necessary!
And if that was not enough, at the end of COSMOS #6, the mysterious DOMINION arrived! What his intentions are and what this means for the COSMOS Maxi-Series are anyone’s guess!
The purpose of this campaign and our mission is to help put this amazing comic series COSMOS into the hands of people all over the world and continue to celebrate story telling by black comic book writers and fans of indiecomics & superheroes alike. It is also our prime mission to bring many more of our creative projects to life with the help of the Kickstarter community and more.
Who is COSMOS for??
So just who will get a kick out of the COSMOS Maxi-Series? Well, it was created for ALL the fans of epic cosmic, sci-fi and superhero stories.
Ever wondered as a kid reading comics what would happen if your favorite comic characters from other comic publishers were to meet up? As a lifelong comics fan, I have been extremely priviledged to see this happen with such books as SPIDER-MAN/SUPERMAN, BATMAN/HULK, X-MEN/TEEN TITANS, SPAWN/BATMAN, DC VERSUS MARVEL and my personal favorite JLA/AVENGERS. I wanted to do that for today’s readers within the COSMOS story and reached out across the comic industry to make it a reality. This story has been two decades in the making and is finally coming to the world. You can expect to see 100 Indie Comics Creators and Publishers from around the globe make an appearance in the title before it is said and done. So far, guest stars have included:
- Punt Press’ Celtic Clan and The Globalists
- Radi Lewis’ Tech Watch
- Rich Buckler’s Darkling
- Dark Horse Comics/Mike Baron/Steve Rude Nexus
- Mike Imboden/Ed Dukeshire’s Fist of Justice
- Dorphise Jean’s Spirit’s Destiny
- Konkret Comics Akolyte, Absolver and Monitus
- Empire Comics Max Strong
- Episode Comics Africa Knights
- KC Christensen’s Thrust
- Andrew Rowland’s Valiant
- Andy Smith’s Ultra
- Wingless Comics Justice
- Amandla Comics Patriot X and Blazing Arrow
- Big Bang Comics Round Table of America Ultiman and Knight Watchman
- Marvin Wynn’s The Edge
- Paige Alfred’s C.H.E.S.S.
- Champion Comics American Revere
- Atlas Studios/Daniel Kaliban Liberty
- Glenn Reinhardt’s Thunderbolt
- Ra’Chaun Rogers Geist
- Winston Blakely’s Little Miss Strange
- Baker Comics’ Pink Hammer
- Genesis Comics/Eric Leggs Sr. Nightfire
- Anthony Peterson’s Pencilman
- James Bethel Z Lunar
- Fantasy Arts/Tim Jeter/Raymond Saunders Shay Diamond
- New World Comics Kid Horus
- Clement Romain Ground Zero
- Gallant Comics Amazing Man
- Michael Aquilar’s The Elite
With many more guest appearances to come!
COSMOS is an action-packed and intense series that brings a high level of fun as it tackles lots of current plot issues and narratives within the Advent Comics Universe. The suggested readers are ages 9 and up. Similar to Crisis on Infinite Earths and Infinity Gauntlet, COSMOS plays with various archetypes, themes, concepts surrounding heroism/villainy as well as non-linear storytelling to craft a truly wild story that has a multitude of very unique characters and situations.

COSMOS Issue #1
The story opens with the arrival of a mysterious warrior named Kastro Primus who promptly destroys Earth. Meanwhile, deep in the Andromeda Galaxy, the cosmic despot Regent and his Regime Empire plots to capture an all-powerful relic which will grant him control over reality itself. And will the arrival of the mysterious Genesis be the catalyst to save the cosmos…or destroy it?

COSMOS Issue #2
Legend & the Vanguard are searching for allies to battle a coming threat to creation and their first stop is to recruit Nimrod the Hunter and the Nubians! A long lost hero is found as events become more dire but will even the man known as Castle be enough? This issue features the first appearance of Castle, Nimrod the Hunter and Africa Force.

COSMOS Issue #3
Earth is invaded by the evil Regime Empire! New heroes emerge, old alliances are restored and new worlds are discovered as the Creation Wave destroys another universe!

COSMOS Issue #4
As events continue to unfold, Enigma the Soultaker and Genesis continue to discover the untold secrets of the Advent Universe. The Universals convene and place in motion a plan to stop the coming evil. Strange visitors and Dark Horse heroes are summoned in reality’s defense.

COSMOS Issue #5
Legend and his allies confront the threat that he feared would return in a knockdown, drag-out battle for the fate of the planet! Also, more heroes step up to combat the invasion of Earth as the Regime Empire finds the relic that could topple the balance of power forever! 40 pages.

COSMOS Issue #6
The 48 page issue sees Earth launch an all-out, counterattack against the Regime Empire’s flagship orbiting the planet. A battle royale dream match takes place between two superteams – Advent Comics’ DEFCON 5 vs. Punt Press’ The Globalists. Insanely powerful, each member of both teams are capable of destroying the planet. Also, Commander Cassiopea Wildfire is taken by the cosmic herald Harbinger to discover her destiny.

COSMOS Issues #7 & #8
Issues #7 and #8 of COSMOS are 100% drawn, colored and lettered. Here are some samples of the amazing work by artists MARCELO MUELLER & MARCOS RAMOS FILHO, colorists ROSS HUGHES & MEMO REGALDO and lettering by MINDY LOPKIN.