Comic Fans can pre order the new 80 Page ComicScene Summer Special (Issue 5) in print or digital. The magazine this month covers 6 comic strips and articles on Sweeney Toddler, Spiderman, Batman, Tammy & Jinty, Summer Specials, Fleetway Picture Library, indie & small press comics.
Strips include a full Captain Cosmic adventure by Andy W Clift, Lady Flintlock Part 1 by Steve Tanner and Anthony Summey, The Dummy by Mike Powell and Phil Elliot, Whackoman! by Marc Jackson, Scene it Before by Alan Holloway and Ed Doyle and the Zygons by Jim Wilkins.
There will be three summer specials and if the comics prove popular we may continue them beyond August. The issue is a great jumping on point for new readers.
The magazine is available from 20th June and can be ordered at, any newsagent, picked up at WHSmith, McColls & Easons (Ireland), Forbidden Planet and other selected comic shops and the magazine can be added to any standing order at any comic shop through Diamond.