Death Wish by Barrie Tomlinson
Grimley Feendish by Irmantas Povilaika
Harlem Heroes by John Farrelly
The Vigilant Legacy by Stephen Jewell
The Eagle Flies Again by Phillip Vaughan
Has the Bubble Burst on comics related Film and TV by Joel Meadows
Hot Shot Hamish by Barrie Tomlinson
State of Independents by Alex Thomas featuring BHP Comics, To The Death, Mountainhead, Road of Bones, Griff Gristle, Starside, Illegal, Marble Cake, The Pride, Ignited, Counterfeit Girl
NEW! EuroScene European Comic Reviews by Thomas Sargent
The Leopard From Lime Street by Peter Gouldson
Plus Comic Strips including;
Scene it Before Part One by Alan Holloway and Ed Doyle
Flintlock Part Two by Steve Tanner, Anthony Summey, Bolt-91 and Ian Kennedy
NEW Milford Green Part One by Samuel George London and Mikael Hankonen
ComicScene is also running a half price summer sale for all back issues at www.getmycomics.com/comicscene – you can also pick up copies of Crikey! Collected on the site as well as subscribe.