Behind a Charlie Gillespie cover (available soon) stories include NPCTea by Sarah Millman, Mahoneys by Richard Carrington and Brian Dawson, Girl-Knight by JGV, Project Hoax by Samuel George London and Dan Butcher, Shaman Kane by David Broughton, Moon by Dan Thompson and Steve Penfold, Captain Commando by Colin Maxwell, Geek Girl by Sam Johnson and Carlos Granda, Mandy the Monster Hunter by Matt Warner and Mark Adams, Harker by Roger Gibson and Vincent Danks, Alex Automatic by Fraser Campbell and James Corcoran , WESTERNoir by Gary Crutchley and Dave West, Fathers Day by Michael Powell and Phil Elliot, Trip of A Lifetime by Peter Gouldson and Luke Haynes, Neil Lithic and Tim by Alan Holloway and Ed Doyle, Gone Viral based on a story by Corbin Webb, Dick Turpin by Steve Tanner and Roland Bird, Captain Cosmic by Andy W Clift, Rachael Smith and more plus a Corker Comic supplement with cover by John Farrelly and content including James Wilkins Deja Who, Captain Wonder and Whackoman by Marc Jackson!
Publisher Tony Foster explains, “We ran some strips in ComicScene Magazine like Rok of the Reds, Captain Cosmic, Milford Green and Flintlock. People loved them but some may have read them before. Readers said they’d be more interested in a dedicated publication with all new strips.”
“I had a chat with Steve Tanner at Time Bomb Comics about the idea of doing all new short stories featuring creator owned characters from successful kickstarters or indie titles. We thought about an initial hitlist of people worth approaching. Thankfully most said yes.”
“The brief was to do an all ages spin off or short story featuring well known characters like Captain Cosmic, Dick Turpin or Shaman Kane for an ‘event’ book. I’m not sure if it’s ever been done before. The ComicScene Annual 2021 will be available in November, just in time for Christmas. If successful it will kick off two hardback publications a year, including a ‘summer special’ and begin a collection of modern comics for your bookshelf”
“Working as a collective I hope people will get a good read and creators get a return on their work without the added pressure of running their own kickstarter. They own their characters, they get paid, they get returns on the kickstarter rewards and if we sell over a certain threshold they get a royalty. They get the opportunity to play to their strengths and create something great in what is a real co-operative approach for comics. Fans of their characters get a bonus story and may discover something new to enjoy too.”