Comics Creator Dave Howlett Interview-!

Dave Howlett

First Comics News: My current interview is with fellow Nova Scotians, Canada’s own Dave Howlett, who has worked for many, many years as the manager of owner Calum Johnston’s Strange Adventures, in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Strange Adventures is a Halifax-based specialty comic book store. Calum Johnston owns three separate Strange Adventures comics store locations: one in Halifax, another across the harbor in Dartmouth, N.S., and a third in Fredericton, province of New Brunswic. These are, all in two of Canada’s Atlantic provinces. The Fredericton store opened in 1992, the Halifax store opened in 1994, and the Dartmouth store opened in 2010—or at least, that is the information I found online about when the three stores opened. Even more intriguing is the fact that Dave Howlett is also a comic book creator, writer, and artist, who, for many years, has self-published, and continues to self-publish numerous Canadian comic book mini-series and one-shots, and almost all of them have been in full glorious color! The Halifax Municipality is a huge area, consisting of the cities of  Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville, and numerous other townships. There are numerous comics creators in this vast area, and Dave Howlett is among the best!  As a customer of Strange Adventures for many years, I’ve known you (as) a customer, but of course, there are many things that I and my readers, I bet, would still like to learn about you. What say we start with some biographical questions, like: where were you born, and where did you grow up and go to school?

Dave Howlett: I was born in Scarborough, Ontario, in 1974, but I’ve lived in the Maritimes since I was about a year and a half old. I went to elementary school and junior high school in Fall River, Nova Scotia, and high school in Bedford, N.S.

1st: You are the manager of the Halifax, N.S. Strange Adventures comics shop. Have you been with Strange Adventures since that location opened, in 1994?

Dave: I believe it opened in 1995, and I was hired on in 1996, So not from the start, but close!

1st: That’s very close to the start! How old were you when you first learned of the existence of comic books, what were some of the first ones you remember reading and enjoying, and what were some of your favorite characters?

Dave: Comics have been with me for as long as I remember! My mom wanted me to read at an early age, so she used to buy Spidey Super Stories comics for me (a younger reader series co-produced by the Electric Company TV series show.) So, Spider-Man was with me from very early on, but Captain America and the Avengers were big for me, too. Also, the Marvel Star Wars and G.I. Joe titles were early favorites.

1st: I remember The Electric Company TV show, which included, among other features, many appearances as well, of actors dressed like Spider-Man and the other Marvel characters. And of course, I remember the Spidey Super Stories comics, based on that show, basically, Marvel Comics Spider-Man stories for young readers, as you said. My friend, the late Halifax, Nova Scotia-based comics artist Owen McCarron worked on some issues of Spidey Super Stories, in addition to some 11970sissues of Marvel Comics’ Ghost Rider, and certain issues of the Super Villain Team-Up series, featuring Doctor Doom, Sub-Mariner, and several others. Owen McCarron also illustrated several war comics for Charlton Comics, and romance comics as well, there. (I haven’t turned up any McCarron romance comics in my searches, though…) I still don’t know if he did art for any DC Comics. Do you?

Dave: Not that I’m aware of, but I couldn’t say for sure.

Dave Howlett with Darwyn Cooke

1st: in addition, McCarron drew dozens upon dozens of self-published full-color Nova Scotia comics, activity books and even coloring books for kids, some in comic book story form. I have a Spider-Man coloring book/comic that he did, in my collection. There were several other normal-color comic books like that, also, backed and published by the government of Canada. To this day, I collect anything of Owen McCarron that I can find. All of this, in addition to his Marvelous Fun and Games series, his full-color Fun and Games comics puzzles in the (weekend) ‘The Mayflower’, a sort of weekend magazine within Halifax’s two daily newspapers, The Chronicle Herald and The Mail Star. The Mail Star daily is long gone, of course, but the daily The Chronicle Herald continues to this day. And to think all of this he did, in addition to his daily job at The Chronicle Herald daily newspaper! One last thing: he did a syndicated newspaper strip unrelated to superheroes, syndicated in only the Halifax and Ottawa newspapers. I saw those old strips, years ago, at his house. Your mentioning Spidey Super Stories just brought back a flood of memories. If any Owen McCarron comics come into the store, anytime, please let me know; I’d love to buy them and add them to my collection! Okay! Let’s get back on track. Dave, are you more of a DC, Marvel, or Independent comics reader, buyer, and fan, or perhaps all of these?

Dave: I always say I was a Marvel kid and a DC teen, and the Indie stuff kinda took over, in my twenties. Nowadays, I don’t have a publisher or character loyalty. I tend to follow creators, more than anything else; artists, first and foremost.

L to R Sean Jordan Dave Howlett

1st: I was a mostly Marvel guy as a kid, and as a teenager on up, Marvel and DC. When the Independent comic publishers started showing up around 1979 or the early 1980s, whenever it was (I was living in Toronto at that time, working at The Dragon Lady Comics Shop, also known as Dragon Lady Nostalgia), I started buying them, as well. That’s where I first met and became a lifelong friend with later Canadian comics creator, writer, and publisher Dave Darrigo. There used to be a guy who worked at the Strange Adventures Halifax comics store named Mike, many years ago, with glasses and long black hair. Eventually, he moved to Toronto to work at a Toronto comics store, the name of which was “The Beguiling” in the west end of the city along Bloor Street West, somewhere down around the famous (in Canada) Honest Ed’s (Ed Mirvish’s) store, in Mirvish Village, and probably close to the late George Henderson’s Memory Lane, the country’s first comic shop, opened in Toronto in 1967. I’ve been to The Beguiling store. Inspired by Henderson’s Memory Lane store, Now & Then Books was opened on Queen Street in Kitchener by Harry Kremer and Bill Johnson in 1971. Kremer soon took over complete ownership of the store. So Mike, who used to work at Strange Adventures, and moved to Toronto, to work at The Beguiling comics store, all those years ago, what was his last name, and is he still there? I ran into Mike at a Toronto comics convention around 2008 and chatted with him for a few minutes, then…

Dave: Mike Drake! He’s still in Toronto, but he hasn’t worked at the Beguiling for a while, now. He was the basis for the lead character in my comic Scenester, and he has made multiple cameos in several of my comics, as well as those of my friends & colleagues.

1st: That’s great! I never knew that. I’m glad I brought that up, then, and equally glad I gave our readers a little history lesson on the very early history of comics and science fiction stores, in Toronto. Bakka Books was also a (science fiction) book store that I used to frequent, when I lived there, also down on Bloor Street West. There are numerous comics stores in Toronto, now; in fact, the list is probably even larger than when I lived there, decades ago. Back then, though, the main two I shopped at were Dragon Lady (where I worked), and Ron Van Leeuwen’s Silver Snail. Dave H, how old were you when you first began drawing?
I’m assuming you began drawing back when, inspired by comics, themselves?

Dave: Like with my comics readership, I’ve been drawing and making my comics for as long as I can remember. I think my earliest was some kind of newspaper I tried to make, with stories accompanied by ‘photos’ (my crude drawings), complete with a comics section…
It’s mostly lost to memory, but I do remember an Iron Man strip where he went into a giant ant hill and faced, of course, a giant ant wearing a crown, sitting on a throne. Let’s get that image into a Marvel movie!

1st: Better yet, Dave, why not make and publish your adult comic where that happens? Like all the other Nova Scotian full-color comic books you have published? You’d have to substitute Iron Man for somebody else, perhaps. Maybe create a character you could use, inspired by Iron Man? Besides, I wanna read it. Smile. I want to see that ant with the king’s crown on his head. “Why dare penetrate my kingdom?! Prepare to die, interloper!” You could do a scene in it like the first version of the movie Mysterious Island, wherein the giant ants try to cocoon the intruder into the honeycomb with honey and …. oh wait, darn it, those were bees! I realized that, mid-paragraph. I’m not deleting it, though. That was fun! When I was ten years old, I drew (tried to draw) a comic book, wherein the Kree male Captain Marvel (Mar-vell) found, deep inside a cave, the suspended in animation (M.F. Enterprises) android superhero Captain Marvel from the 1960’s, in a glass enclosure. Of course, Mar-vell revived him and, the android Captain Marvel, thinking the Kree Earth-based hero was a villain, of course, a fight ensued! You can’t have heroes meeting without a misunderstanding and a resultant fight. Or, in the 1960’s, at least, that frequently happened, time and time again. I was so proud of that homemade, colored with crayons, and stapled-together comic book! Wish I still had it! Hey, I was ten years old!

1st: Did you go to school for art at any point in time, and if so, where? Or, are you completely self-taught?

Dave: Mostly self-taught. I went to NSCAD (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design) for a semester, where I quickly learned that they had no interest in comics or comic art, and I dropped out. Nowadays, they have a full graphic novel course you can take! Boy, times have changed.

1st: They sure have! NCAD (or another school) has had, for several years, now, film animation courses, days, right here in Halifax! Did you know that?

Dave: I may have. I know there are some local community college courses for animation, and filmmaking, too.

1st: If memory serves – and my memory on these things is not perfect, it seems to me that the various comic titles you have created and
published have gone under many imprints/company names, over time. But what printing company publishes (prints) your comics?

Dave: Well, the printer and the publisher are two different things; my last several comics have been printed by a company called The Advocate, which can print something like the comics from my youth, with slick covers and newsprint interiors. Technically, I’m a self-publisher, but I seem to have a tough time settling on an imprint name.

1st: There’s no problem with that! You probably just like using different company names at different times; take it where the wind takes you, I say!

Dave: I published my last one under the name Parallel Worlds Programming. But my employer at Strange Adventures, Calum Johnston, is the one getting these printed, so I guess Strange Adventures is the publisher? Sorry, that’s a confusing answer!

1st: No, that makes sense to me. What year was it that you had published your first comic book one-shot or mini-series, and what was its’ title? I’m pretty sure I now have them all, but would you mind listing them all by title, how many issues of each there have been, and what each title was about? Yep, I realize this is a tall order, (sorry), but do the best you can, if you would be so very kind. We have a huge readership, and I want to introduce the world to the world of Dave Howlett Eastern Canada comic books!

Dave: Around 1995/1996 I did a five-issue werewolf comic called Bad Moon Rising, a black and white comic that I printed at Kinko’s and stapled together myself.

1st: I remember Bad Moon Rising. I have a collected edition. There was a black-and-white collected edition, right? I have that version. I didn’t know it started as a five-issue series, and I didn’t even realize that you did that one. Was the five-issue (original) series in color, or, as I suspect, in black and white, as was the collected edition?

Dave: No, it was always black and white. No color was a financial decision primarily, but at that point, I was a big fan of Frank Miller’s Sin City series, so making a B&W comic appealed to me for that reason, as well.

1st: To me, it makes sense that it was in black and white, since it was about a werewolf, right? A black and white horror comic, a little like the old 1970’s Marvel/Curtis magazine-sized comics magazines. And, its’ creator is Dave HOWLETT! That’s so perfect!  Just don’t rip my throat out, okay? Sorry, sorry. I had to do it…  Well, the good news is that you have the coolest name since Isambard Kingdom Brunel And, like him, you’re another Great Eastern! Well, a Great Eastern Canadian comics creator….in Eastern Canada, that is! (I’m a history buff.)

Dave: Would you believe, the connection between my last name and a werewolf’s howl was something that never occurred to me until it was pointed out by my friend and future collaborator Sean Jordan when we first met?

1st: I’m going to tell you a little story. By now, you’ve figured out that I like telling stories. Usually, they’re a lot longer than ‘little’. Heck, you may have even been there, that night. But probably not, since I was the only one who got most of those answers right. Years ago, when Park Lane Cinemas was playing (I think it was the second Frank Miller’s Sin City movie), based on the comics series – as everyone sat there in their seats, and before the curtain rolled back to start the pre-show before the movie started — I don’t even recall if the pre-show features were a thing back then — suddenly, two ushers, a mal and a female, walked out on ‘stage’ in front of the film curtain, and proclaimed that they had some Sin City prizes to give out to members of the audience, before the second Sin City movie started. That is, whoever could answer some Sin City-based trivia questions would win some of those prizes. I was very tired that night, so I only got one question right, even though I had bought and read all of the various Sin City comics mini-series. That particular trivia question was, “Name the titles of three of the past Sin City comics mini-series!” They wanted three answers to that question, although there had been more than three Sin City comics mini-series. I could only think of two out of the three titles, namely: “The Big Fat Kill!’ and “That Yellow Bastard!” The female usher said, “That’s right, for those answers! But I need one more answer to win for you to win this hardcover signed Sin City book!” I had been up the night before really late, burning the midnight oil, working on a comics interview, and was too darn tired to remember a third title. But she gave me the book anyway, because no one else there knew ANY of those titles. When I got home later, and opened this hardcover book up, after we’d watched this movie, this hardcover Sin City Book had been signed…By Frank Miller-! I still have it, to this day.

Dave: Nice! I missed the second one in the theatre. If I had been there, I would have gotten them all in a heartbeat. Then, myself and several friends did a one-shot comic called The Halifax Explosion; which was an attempt to create a Halifax-centric superhero universe. I’m pretty embarrassed by my work in that one.

1st: You know, I collect Canadian comics in general, and Nova Scotian creators and published comics, in particular. This isn’t the only reason for that, but I do like to support Canadian comics, including especially, local creator comics. I own several different versions of The Halifax Explosion comics, all one-shots, and all by different creators. Even Owen McCarron did one that I have. It was a large tabloid b & w newspaper comic, given away, many years ago, at the Halifax Maritime Museum of The Atlantic, on the waterfront. But in fact, that one, I got from his kindness; he’d had extra copies. I may be wrong, but I don’t think I have yours. I didn’t realize you did that one, either. I don’t think I am at all familiar with your version of The Halifax Explosion, an actual event in Halifax, (Nova Scotia), Canadian history (for our readers) that was, in REAL LIFE, the largest – ever – if accidental, man-made explosion in the history of this entire planet, before the Atom Bomb! Great loss of life, and with thousands permanently blinded, by flying glass. Google it, folks! It happened in Halifax, Nova Scotia harbor, on December tenth, 1917, during World War One, which, (before the second world war), had been previously known as The Great War. Two ships had collided in the harbor; one of those was full to the gunnels with munitions.

1st: Dave, can you send me images of all the issues of the many comics you have created and published, so that we can include them with this interview? We always do our best to include graphics with them, and that would make it very colorful!
Finally, do ya have, by chance, an extra copy of your version of The Halifax Explosion comic, one that perhaps you could sell me? If not, I will add it to my Want List, though I guess it would be really hard to find.

Dave: I’m sure I can scare one up, somewhere.

1st: Wait a minute! Now that I read that again, that your Halifax Explosion comic was not about the historic event, but rather, about superheroes, I suddenly remember that book! I do have it, and it’s quite good! You are far too modest. But that is a great way to be!

Dave: I took a few years off before doing three issues of a series called Scenester, which involved a lot of self-parody as it was about ‘zine culture and pop culture obsessives. Several years after that (I used to get disillusioned and quit making comics, a lot. Nowadays, I’m in it to win it), I did a five-part miniseries called Slamarama, that covered one night in the lives of a bunch of fictional1980ss professional wrestlers. Next up, was providing the art for The Last Paper Route, a series written by two of my best pals, Sean Jordan and Alex Kennedy, which was based on their careers as 1990s paperboys in Halifax.

1st: My eight years older brother James, who had a paper route as a kid growing up in Herring Cove (right smack dab next to The Atlantic Ocean, not to be confused with Herring Cove Road in Spryfield), bought comics with the money he earned, as a very young teenager. That was how he got started with buying comics. I learned to read by looking at his and became a comics addict for life.
I’ve met Sean Jordan. But my memory is hazy on which local comic books he, too, has created and published. Can you refresh my memory?

Dave: He co-wrote and illustrated a comic called Adventures In Paper-Routing, with Alex Kennedy, which was kind of like the earliest version of The Last Paper Route. He’s also a very prolific rapper under the name Wordburglar, and his music features all kinds of comic book, sci-fi, and pop culture references throughout — I highly recommend seeking out his music, even if you’re not a hip-hop fan. You can’t not have a good time listening to him rap about G.I. Joe and comic books and whatnot! He and I are working on some new stuff together as well, so stay tuned.

1st: I’ll do that. And now, I’ve gotta go find and buy Sean Jordan’s The Last Paper Route at Strange Adventures, if they even have any copies anymore. Did Sean do any other Eastern Canada Nova Scotian comics, also?

Dave: Just those, I believe. Although I guess he and I did both contribute to a black-and-white humor minicomic called Highly Dubious, of which we only made three issues over several decades–most recently in 2019, with our friends Ben Jeddrie and James White.

1st: Highly Dubious I am not familiar with; I didn’t even know those existed. If you have any extra copies of those, or if it was collected (either way), I’d love to buy copies of those, if possible from you – and if not, I’ll put those on my Want List. I had thought I had everything that you had done. I remember well Scenester, Slamarama, and The Last Paper Route comics mini-series that you did. I have all of those, and I enjoyed them all! For years, I was missing Slamarama # 3, but I finally bought it from you at a local comics event, not all that long ago, in Dartmouth.

Dave: After that came The Makers, a six-part series that was my tribute to the 1990s comics industry crossed with a Galaxy Quest-style cosmic adventure.

1st: The Makers was also a really fun ride! And Galaxy Quest, the non-Star Trek love letter movie to Star Trek, was also really good. I liked some of the Star Wars movies, but I’m an adyed-in-the-wooll Star Trek guy. The Makers, as in the comic book makers (creators), reminiscent of the silver age Marvel bullpens gang, like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, etcetera, was a heart-warming read! Except, of course, you rightly made up your comic creator names in The Makers, and that was a cool thing to do; a new spin on things!

Dave: Thanks! It was my (Covid 19) pandemic project, and it was good to have something to focus on, during a weird, crazy time

1st: It was a weird, crazy, time, Dave! I worked through Covid 19, and I am guessing You probably did, also.
Dave: I sure did!

1st: And, while I love comics, including superhero comics, having to wear a mask in real life, isn’t any fun at all! And I’m pretty sure most of us ended up having to wear a mask for at least two solid years, at work.
These one hundred years between worldwide pandemics – I’m glad that I won’t have to wear a mask until the next one! Smile.
Dave: Next up was my unauthorized bootleg comic book one-shot, All-Star Composite Superman, where I did a modernized retelling of a Silver Age DC story that I had read in a digest reprint, as a kid. That one had a couple of short backups too, one featuring Steve Ditko’s The Odd Man (a weirdly obscure DC character who’s only appeared a handful of times), plus a tribute to one of my favorite comics creators, Keith Giffen. The whole thing bound up being my tribute to DC Comics. And lastly, my very recent one-shot horror comic Disco Ripper, which we’ll talk about more below, I believe…

1st: I remember Ditko’s The Odd Man. Anyway, here is how I look at the ‘totally unauthorized’ part of your fannish All-Star Superman, a one-shot. You are a Superman fan, you’ve supported DC comics with your money all your life, as have I, and your (bootleg) local All-Star Composite Superman comic one-shot you had printed up (very small local print run), and given away to friends pretty much for free. Under the law, that’s called the ‘Fair Use Clause.’ It’s protected. Anyway, most people will probably never see it.
And, it was really enjoyable! People publish unauthorized books and stuff all the time. And, you’ve got that out of your system. I read it at least three times!

Dave: Thanks! It felt great to finally see it in print.

1st: You know, your comics always have imaginative, and (to me), ingenious story slants that a lot of published comics seem to lack. So the next question is, where do you get your ideas for them?

Dave: My comics mostly reflect my interests/obsessions. With The Makers, I had become obsessed with the origins of Image Comics, and what the books the founding creators put out had to say about where they were in their careers, at that point. With Composite Superman, that was just a story that I had long wanted to put my spin on, for as long as I could remember.

1st: It’s been said that disco music is dead, and the quite entertaining movie Mystery Men movie from several years ago used that as a sort of starting point, the movie having been based on Dark Horse Comics’ creator Bob Burden’s humorous ‘losers-as-super-heroes’ premise.
It’s also been said by many over the decades, in a tongue-in-cheek fashion, that “Disco Sucks!” – to the extent that this became a common phrase used by many, inside and outside of the music industry. Although, that said, there have been numerous old disco tunes from the past that I think were quite good, especially The Bee Gees, but several others, too, of course! Your latest comic, which came out quite recently and is still in comics shops in the new comics section, and which is also very entertaining, in that story point of view, is of a repeat killer, a one-shot color comic book called Disco Ripper, wherein, a serial killer with that mindset of “disco sucks”, went out of his way to kill numerous fans and creators of disco music! Hey, here’s another idea: how about a one-shot comic about a Serial Killer, see, who tracks and kills people…who eats cereal! Yeah, never mind!

1st: Disco Ripper is a horror comic book, but it was also, nonetheless, a horror-comedy comic book. Sort of like, for example, the 1981 film An American Werewolf In London. When the viewer (me) watched it for the first time, watching it in a theatre, when I was rather young, gasped at something chilling and scary, in the film, in several scenes, in my youth. And then, in the next few seconds of many of these scary and startling scenes, something in that film happened that again caught me off guard, and that moment was so FUNNY, that I was suddenly laughing out loud, so hard, that tears were running down my face! Your Disco Ripper comic one-shot, Dave, was kind of like that, too! I enjoyed it! I’d love to know what your creative thoughts were while plotting out and writing this comic! And tell our readers what the Disco Ripper used as a disguise!

Dave: Disco Ripper was born out of a thing I did in October of 2017 for “Inktober”, which is where a bunch of artists posted a drawing a day on their social media. I got carried away with mine, mine, and made up a horror movie poster a day, all of October.

1st: I remember Inktober. I saw all those on Facebook, and I enjoyed them. Note: For younger readers not in the know, The Serial Killer Disco Ripper’s helmet looked exactly like the type of large, silver-mirrored, multi-faceted large round balls, that used to spin, on the ceilings of the 1980’s discothèque bars’ dancing crowds. You may have seen these in period movies. These large spinning disco ceiling balls would reflect flickering light across the multi-faceted mirrored ball surfaces, onto the dance floor and the dancers, themselves.

Dave: “Disco Ripper” was one of the titles I came up with, and the poster was just a disco ball, with a skull on it. The name stuck in my head, and at some point, I started imagining what the plot of such a movie would possibly be, I came up with the idea of a slasher-type guy who hated disco, and who wore a mask that looked like a disco ball. I hadn’t seen that done anywhere else, and it provided me with some cool visual ideas, where the last thing his victims would see would be their own reflected, terrified faces reflected at them! I’m a big fan of the whole disco scene. Saturday Night Fever is one of my all-time favorite movies.

1st: Yep, that’s a great one! Remember the scene where a young girl or woman wants to get it on with John Travolta’s character, in the film? She shows up with a handful of condoms, and he acts disgusted lets her know, and walks away. That was hilarious! We didn’t know, way back then, that he was into guys, as well. Not that it matters to most people, these days. Most people are a lot more liberated these days, and I think that is a good thing. There is way too much prejudice of all types, but things are getting slowly better.

Dave: It is a great movie. 1970s New York City is my favorite setting in the movies, so that was also a motivating factor in my creation of that comic. I just spent a lot of time thinking about what I would want to see in a movie that took place in that setting, like different set pieces and whatnot. Once I had enough of those ideas, I started cobbling together a plot. There never was a script, I just thought about it in terms of scenes, and I would worry about how to fit them together, later. I also wanted to try a bunch of different techniques for this one, too, so I did a lot of switching back and forth between digital (photoshop) and analog (markers, colored pencils, etc.) It was probably my most experimental comic, to date.

1st: And also your most recent comic book, which just came out, and which is still in comics stores in the new comics section. So, if you see it, readers, pick it up buy it, and take it home! It’s a hoot! And then? Go and watch the movie An American Werewolf In London! It has a sequel, but the first one is by far, the best! Are the comics that you produce only available in Atlantic Canada, specifically at the Halifax (and city of Dartmouth), Nova Scotia, and Fredericton, New Brunswick comics stores, or do they have a farther reach than that? And if not, have you given any thought to expanding their reach to comics stores throughout Canada, and perhaps to the USA, as well?

Dave: My comics are available at all three Strange Adventures locations — Halifax, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and in the Fredericton, New Brunswick store. Several stores throughout Canada and the US have them in stock too, except for All-Star Composite Superman.
1st: I did not know that; that’s great!

Dave: But they can also be purchased online through my Etsy store ( On social media, I’m mostly active on Instagram (@paskettiwestern) ann Bluesky (

1st: I didn’t know any of that, either! I only learned about Bluesky recently. I haven’t looked into it, yet.

Dave: Yeah, I’m pretty leery of social media in general these days, but you gotta promote your work, and that’s one way to get your stuff seen by a wider audience.

1st: I remember one other comic book that you contributed to that you didn’t mention; the one-shot Hobo With A Shot Gun! Dave, I enjoyed chatting with you during this interview! You’ve always been an interesting guy, and you’ve got a heap of talent and a really good imagination! Thank you for participating in this First Comics News interview! Let me know when you put another comic out. It would be fun to chat with you, again!

— Phil Latter for First Comics News-!

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