Comic book creator and fellow cat-lover Richard Howell introduced me to Gordo, the newspaper comic strip created by Gustavo “Gus” Arriola that ran from 1941 to 1985. The series chronicled the life of Mexican bean farmer, and later tour guide, Perfecto Salazar “Gordo” Lopez. There were a number of animals that appeared regularly in Gordo, including three cats: an orange tabby named Poosy Gato, a black cat named PM, and PM’s kitten Bête Noire.
In this Sunday strip, we see Poosy trying to figure out a new place to take a nap since he’s bored with all of the usual locations. Arriola definitely draws a cut cat and invests him with personality.
Arriola passed away on February 2008 at the age of 90. Please check out the links below for more information.