Comic Book Cats, number 163: Supergirl #19, penciled by Ale Garza, inked by Richard Friend, written by Joe Kelly, lettered by Rob Leigh and colored by Rod Reiss, published by DC Comics in September 2007.
At this point in DC’s ever-changing continuity Supergirl had a cat named Streaky, but he was an ordinary non-powered cat. Well, as “non-powered” as any member of Felis domesticus could be considered to be. Here we see Streaky trying to bite and scratch Supergirl, only to quickly do a 180 and become sweet. Good illustration of the fickle nature of felines. Our cat Nettie does this all the time.
Ale Garza started working in comic books in 1996 working for Lightning Comics and Wildstorm while it was still under the Image umbrella. He co-created E.V.E. Protomecha for Top Cow / Image, and he penciled on numerous series for DC, as well as also working for Marvel, Aspen, and Zenescope. Most recently Garza has drawn covers for Chastity and Red Sonja for Dynamite Entertainment.