WAYNE’S WORLDS: Digital Comics Go Unlimited!

It’s probably no secret by now that both ComiXology and Marvel have begun their own “unlimited”…

Wayne’s Worlds: Can Diamond’s PULLBOX Help Save the Industry?

I often find myself looking at steps being taken to try and keep local comics shops…

Wayne’s Worlds: Another Fresh Start for the House of Ideas

Marvel has yet again decided to give their books another new start. Really and for true.…

Wayne’s Worlds: Whatever Happened to the Trunks of Tomorrow?

Superman’s red trunks are back! It happened in Action Comics #1000. However, not everyone is happy…

Wayne’s Worlds: Missing Those Wonderful Maquettes!

It wasn’t that long ago that I often used to leave my local comics shop with…

Wayne’s Worlds: Is Friday The New Wednesday?

I’ve been a comics fan for a looooonnnnnnggg time, and one of the things I’ve always…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: Gail Simone Sails ‘Crosswind’ To TV

I often wish that more TV shows and movies based on successful comics really followed the…

Wayne’s Worlds: Disney and Marvel, Sitting in a Tree…

People are still talking about Disney’s recent acquisition of 20th Century Fox’s TV and Movie divisions, paving…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: : Make Mine Multi-Media Marvel!

While Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 is playing in the theaters, I’ve been reading with interest…

Wayne’s Worlds: Getting Into More Stores!

There’s been a really interesting development when it comes to selling comics, and it has to…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: That Bendis Thing That Never Ends!

It almost seems like eons ago, but I thought I should weigh in on the news…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: Dollar Comics!

I’m not sure how many comics fans even remember what “the quarter box” is anymore. Many…

Wayne’s Worlds: Comics Here For Only A Dollar!

If you go to some local comics shops, you’ll often find what many of us refer…

Wayne’s Worlds: Reader or Collector?

When it comes to comics, most of the time it seems that you’re either a “reader”…

Wayne’s Worlds: Should Marvel Keep Looking Back to Its Past?

I’ve been intrigued by all the recent discussion about Marvel’s position in the marketplace and what’s…

Wayne’s Worlds: Codenames and Costumes

Two of the things that attracted me to comic books were the names of characters as…

Wayne’s Worlds: Losing A Favorite

With the advent of the Internet and the endless news cycle, we can’t escape the unceasing…

Wayne’s Worlds: Losing a Favorite

With the advent of the Internet and the endless news cycle, we can’t escape the unceasing…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: Marvel Comics Aren’t Going Anywhere

I’ve been reading a lot of speculation online recently that Disney is going to stop production…

Wayne’s Worlds: Trek’s Merging Comics, Novels and TV

I remain quite a big fan of Star Trek, so I’m fascinated by Star Trek: Discovery because,…

Wayne’s Worlds: Too Many Superhero Comics!

Over the last several years, I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve met many Indie comics creators…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: I Just Don’t Get It Sometimes

Some very popular trends just pass me by at times. I see others diving headlong into…

Wayne’s Worlds: The Indie Explosion

I recently had the pleasure of attending the SPACE (Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo) convention…

Wayne’s Worlds: Biggest, Baddest Baddies

It’s long been said that what makes good movies are the bad guys. If that person…

Wayne’s Worlds: Nostalgia Sells!

A friend and I were talking online recently about the number of “pulp heroes” getting their…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: Fool Me Once, Shame on You…

Is anyone else getting tired of having our chains jerked around? Some people seem to know…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: Ben Affleck as Batman

I’ve been following with interest the response to Ben Affleck taking over the movie role of…

Wayne’s Worlds: If I Don’t Know About It, It Obviously Sucks!

Team books used to be all the rage, but these days, few survive. Maybe that’s because…

Wayne’s Worlds: Wolverine and Superhero Fatigue

A couple of years back when the Green Lantern motion picture was released, some critics complained…

Wayne’s Worlds: Moving Away from Trades

For years, comic books have suffered from what I refer to as “trade paperback-itis.” Most stories…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: Here Comes Comic-Con 2017!

All right, everybody sing along: Here comes Comic-Con! Here comes Comic-Con, right down Comic-Con Lane! I…

Wayne’s Worlds: Me and My ‘Arrow’

Green Arrow (GA) is enjoying something of a renaissance these days! While his new comic has…

Wayne’s Worlds: My Suggestions for the Justice League

It won’t be long until the Justice League feature film arrives, something I’m anxiously awaiting. I…