Something interesting happened on Sunday morning, the final day of of a con I attended just…
Wayne’s Worlds
Wayne’s Worlds: Ahoy, Comic Fans!
Every once in a while I encounter a comics company I’ve never heaters of, and that…
Wayne’s Worlds: Get Me Out of the Church on Time!
In both Marvel and DC, there have been comics recently that have backed up the notion…
Wayne’s Worlds: In the Coming Year, I Resolve…
It’s not too soon to look ahead into 2022, and while I’m not much for resolutions,…
Wayne’s Worlds: Sometimes a Rumor Is Just a Rumor
With the advent of the Internet and its ability to “instantly” send information almost anywhere in…
Wayne’s Worlds: The Trouble with Time-Locked Characters
It waasn’t all that long ago that DC announced that Doomsday Clock #9 would be delayed. Personally,…
Wayne’s Worlds: Todd’s Toys Teaming with DC
One of the biggest developments in the toy industry focused on Todd McFarlane’s Toys signing a…
Wayne’s Worlds: Taking ‘Talent’ to TV
Once your comic book or OGN has been published, don’t get discouraged if nothing happens with…
Wayne’s Worlds: More Holiday Specials!
I’m already getting into the holiday spirit! And that makes me reflect on holiday-related comics!
Wayne’s Worlds: Why Marvel Comics Won’t End Anytime Soon
It’s as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. I’ve been reading a lot of…
Wayne’s Worlds: Trek Merging Comics, Novels, & TV
I remain quite a big fan of Star Trek, so I’m fascinated by the soon return of…
Wayne’s Worlds: We ALSO Sell…
I’ve shopped at many local comics shops over the years, and when a store decides that…
Wayne’s Worlds: Age-Appropriate Labels on Comics?
As I often do, I was reading the news online when I came across a recent…
Wayne’s Worlds: Hey, I’m Valuable!
I have been hearing from friends who are excited about getting to this year’s C2E2 convention!…
Wayne’s Worlds: That @*&! Fifth Week!
Comics is what we call a habitual industry, meaning you normally buy your books out of habit. For…
Wayne’s Worlds: Don’t Tell Me That!
When you’ve been around as many local comics shops as I have, you come to dread…
Wayne’s Worlds: Art Versus Script
What’s the most important part of a comic? The art or the script (story)?
Wayne’s Worlds: Team-Ups Are Still Fun!
Was it really years ago now that I read about Batman and the Shadow teaming up?…
Wayne’s Worlds: Great Characters Don’t Go Away Forever!
It wasn’t all that long ago that I grieved that the fifth issue of the Black…
Wayne’s Worlds: How ‘Real’ Should Comics Get?
A friend of mine was telling me just how much he doesn’t like it when “real…
Wayne’s Worlds: The Joys and Dangers of Store Subscription Services
Often I like to talk about local comics shops and why I frequent them. One of…
Wayne’s Worlds: A ‘Real’ Comics Shop!
When I buy new comics, I go to Krum’s World, a great comics store in Winter…
Wayne’s Worlds: Bring Out Your Dead!
It’s a common phrase among comics’ fans – Death in comics is only temporary! A lot has…
Wayne’s Worlds: Are Comics Too Popular Now?
Comics conventions are returning now, sometimes with more than one happening on a weekend in the…
Wayne’s Worlds: Art Versus Comics
Now that they are starting to resurface, it’s time to talk about comics conventions and how…
Wayne’s Worlds: Characters Not Originally in the Comics
Now that cons are slowly starting to resurface, I’ve been remembering many previous events, some where…
Wayne’s Worlds: I Love the Character, But I Don’t Buy the Comic!
Recently, I ended up part of a conversation that got me thinking about fans and why…
Wayne’s Worlds: Can We Trust Fan Reactions?
With the Internet providing instant contact for information, it’s given those of us who are fans…
Wayne’s Worlds: All Too Human
The comics industry continues to deal with a difficult subject – sexual harassment among the members…
Wayne’s Worlds: Expensive Signatures
Even though cons haven’t been happening for a while now, there’s still been a lot of…
Wayne’s Worlds: The Indie Explosion Continues!
I’m reliving some cons I’ve attended in the past as I long for comic conventions to…
Wayne’s Worlds: Nothing Lasts Forever
As the old saying goes, the one constant in life is change. The sad thing is…
Wayne’s Worlds: Choosing a Comics Shop
Every once in a while, I find it helpful to re-examine why you do what you…