Christmas is about the celebration of the birth of the Savior, Christ Jesus

Christmas isn’t about some fat fella breaking into your home and leaving you wrapped goodies. It…

OH, ME OF LITTLE FAITH A holiday observance by Howard Chaykin

The first five years of my relationship with my wife–a converso–conversa?–were spent with her constantly apologizing…

Once you grow up

Once you grow up — and age doesn’t matter, it’s an emotional maturity thing — once…


Celebrating Christmas has definitely gone through some pretty extreme pendulum swings in my life. I remember…


If you’re an atheist, chances are you won’t continue reading this. Why? Because a true atheist…


Well … I’m a Witch, BUT in Art and Science – I don’t walk a Wiccan…


Hanukkah is an odd holiday. It is the only holiday in the Jewish calendar that celebrates…

LAYLET AL-QADR; The Night of Destiny

BEHOLD, from on high above We have revealed this [Quran] on the Night of Destiny. And…

Faith Testimony by Scott McDaniel

My name is Scott McDaniel and I am a comic book artist blessed to have contributed…

How has my faith in Jesus positively affected my career and/or my life?

My good friend Rik Offenberger reached out to me recently with a question: how has my…

Living Alive or Walking Death? by Mike Bullock

That one little word can make such a dynamic difference in our lives. Without it, we…


The staff of First Comics News wishes our Jewish friends a Happy Passover! Alex Wright, Bob…

Dr. Naif and THE 99 superheroes wish you a happy and blessed Ramadan!

Ramadan: A Time To Give

Kuwait City – A friend in New York recently asked me what Ramadan was like. Borrowing…