Christmas isn’t about some fat fella breaking into your home and leaving you wrapped goodies. It…
OH, ME OF LITTLE FAITH A holiday observance by Howard Chaykin
The first five years of my relationship with my wife–a converso–conversa?–were spent with her constantly apologizing…
Once you grow up
Once you grow up — and age doesn’t matter, it’s an emotional maturity thing — once…
Celebrating Christmas has definitely gone through some pretty extreme pendulum swings in my life. I remember…
If you’re an atheist, chances are you won’t continue reading this. Why? Because a true atheist…
Hanukkah is an odd holiday. It is the only holiday in the Jewish calendar that celebrates…
LAYLET AL-QADR; The Night of Destiny
BEHOLD, from on high above We have revealed this [Quran] on the Night of Destiny. And…
Faith Testimony by Scott McDaniel
My name is Scott McDaniel and I am a comic book artist blessed to have contributed…
How has my faith in Jesus positively affected my career and/or my life?
My good friend Rik Offenberger reached out to me recently with a question: how has my…
Living Alive or Walking Death? by Mike Bullock
That one little word can make such a dynamic difference in our lives. Without it, we…
The staff of First Comics News wishes our Jewish friends a Happy Passover! Alex Wright, Bob…
Ramadan: A Time To Give
Kuwait City – A friend in New York recently asked me what Ramadan was like. Borrowing…