To make Atomic Action stand out, Chris Mills combines the best aesthetics of the silver, bronze,…
Getting Barbaric with Kragor the Savage and Ash Aman creator Lloyd Smith
Lloyd Smith has been part of the comic book industry since 1988. Many may know him…
Keith WTS Morris Talks about LEV GLEASON
With the Reviving of Lev Gleason, Keith WTS Morris stopped by First Comics News to let…
Billy Tucci talks about SHI: HAIKYO
25 years after the debut of SHI, in the pages of SHI: Way of the Warrior,…
RICH INTERVIEW: Colin Tan Wei Artist for Folklore
First Comics News: How did you first begin to draw? Colin Tan Wei: I’ve been drawing for as…
RICH INTERVIEW: Adam Ma Writer for Folklore
First Comics News: How would you describe the genre of “Folklore”? Adam Ma: I think the best…
Frankee White talks about 20 FISTS
First Comics News: This is such a wonderfully wild concept. What’s the inspiration behind it? Frankee…
RICH INTERVIEWS: David Pepose Writer for Scout’s Honor
First Comics News: What is the world like in “Scout’s Honor”? David Pepose: It’s seen better days,…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Xavier Tarrega Artist for They Fell From the Sky
First Comics News: What was the first comic book that published your art? Xavier Tarrega: My first…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Liezl Buenaventura Writer for They Fell From the Sky
First Comics News: What about writing attracts you to it? Liezl Buenaventura: I was a very imaginative…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Psalms Salazar Actor in Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story
First Comics News: Is there any upside to being a working girl? Psalms Salazar: Well if you…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Adedayo Erivic Artist for Jakuta
First Comics News: How was Brown Roof Studios started? Adedayo Erivic: Brown Roof Studios is an amalgamation…
Walking down Night Streets with Mark Bloodworth
Night Streets was a great comic from Arrow Comics (later Caliber Press) created by Mark Bloodworth…
American Daredevil, Brett Dakin, Lev Gleason and the origins of comic books!
The history of the comic book industry has an amazing breadth of legacy. At times the…
The Hey Kids Comics Radio Show – Episode 162
Episode 162 – Auric Davis Dewsbury from Great North Comics stops by to spill the tea…
Comicbook Biography: Barbara Friedlander-Bloomfield
Barbara Friedlander-Bloomfield is a fascinating lady to speak with, who worked at DC Comics as an…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Michael Frizell Writer for Political Power: Justin Trudeau
First Comics News: Who is Justin Trudeau for those who do not know? Michael Frizell: Justin…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Yishan Li Artist for Mary: The Adventures of Mary Shelley’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Granddaughter
First Comics News: What made you want to be an artist? Yishan Li Artist: I always loved…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Brea Grant Writer for Mary: The Adventures of Mary Shelley’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Granddaughter
First Comics News: Who is the main star of “Mary: The Adventures of Mary Shelley’s Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Granddaughter”?…
Roland Mann talks about CAT & MOUSE #3
First Comic News: You’re crowdfunding Cat & Mouse #3 with a new comic, Trumps Book 1.…
Andrew Pepoy talks about SIMONE & AJAX
Andrew Pepoy has worked for U.S., Canadian, British, and French publishers on hundreds of comics on…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Ben Lacy Creator/Writer/Artist for “Shark of War”
First Comics News: What about your background made you want to get into making comic books?…
Interview with legendary comix creator Larry Fuller
As a comic book reporter, I get a chance to talk to a lot of different…
Going to Circus DeNiro with Phil Elliot and Michael Powell
Phil Elliot has been active in the comic book industry since the mid-’70s. He launched and…
Dærick Gröss Sr. talks about MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #18
Long term fans of Murciélaga She-Bat have been waiting years for an all-new story. New fans…
Bradley Golden talks about Second Sight Publishing’s Exclusive Cover Program
Second Sight Publishing just announced an exclusive cover program. Creators include Alan Quah, Federico Dallocchio, Xing…
Comic Book Biography: STEVE ENGLEHART
As a pre-teen and still later, as a teenager all through the 1970s, while I, month…
G-Man Comics debuts Simon N. Kirby, The Agent
The launch of G-Man Comics with the first two issues of Simon N. Kirby, The Agent…
Fraser Campbell talks about comics, kickstarters, influences and the BBC
Fraser Campbell has used Kickstarter to debut his engaging comics over the last few years. A…
RICH INTERVIEWS: Jack Holder Creator/Writer The Following Casework
First Comics News: Why do you enjoy writing? Jack Holder: Writing has been such an integral…
Ric Meyers Interviewed on Targitt, Atlas Comics, Destroyer, Medieval Times, Creativity, Kung Fu and a whole lot more!
Comics as paperbacks are always an interesting market to watch. Recently Mike Baron Kickstarted a Nexus…
Ray Mullikin of Raytoons on Creating Comics, Art, Claymation, Video Games, Creative Teaching and A Lot More!
INTRODUCTION In exercise, the squat and plank are useful due to how much of the body…
RICH INTERVIEW: Chris McAuley Colorist for Malek Reigning Devil
First Comics News: What first got you involved in a career in comics? Chris McAuley: When talking…