C.M. French talks about Annie Automatic

The Rock Band Annie Automatic’s limited edition comic-book “Killer in Disguise.” was a premium Give Away…

Shad Gaspard talks about ASSASSIN & SON

WWE Superstars Shad Gaspard and Marc Copani are working on a graphic novel about and an…

Dærick Gröss Sr. talks about MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #13

Heroic Publications started reprinting Murciélaga/She-Bat from the first story about a year ago with the goal…

An Interview With Archie Americana Series Guru Paul Castiglia

It’s an exciting week in the Archie-nerd world bas we celebrate not only the release of…

Mike Bullock talks about LIONS TIGERS & BEARS Volume 3

Lions Tigers and Bears Volume Three was solicited in last month’s Previews and should hit stores by the…

M. Zachary Sherman talks about AMERICA’S ARMY

First Comics News: Most people would assume that there is no official connection between the actual…

John Byrne talks about NEXT MEN #1

Next Wednesday, 12/08/10, Next Men is back on the comic book shelves after a 15 absence. John…

Pablo Marcos talks about THE SPIDER, MASTER OF MEN

Pablo Marcos Ortega, one of the best known and loved artists of the Marvel horror line…

Martin Powell talks about the THE SPIDER, MASTER OF MEN

According to the solicitation…”For the first time ever… since his beginnings in 1933, pre-dating Superman and…

Alex Simmons talks about J. JONES SEMI-PRIVATE EYE

Alex Simmons is taking Jughead to places he’s never been before in the story J. Jones…

Ian Flynn talks about SILVER THE HEDGEHOG

In the world of Sonic, he isn’t the only super speedy Hedgehog. There is also Shadow,…

Ian Flynn talks about SONIC COLORS

A new Sonic game hits the shelves soon, Sonic Colors. Ian Flynn’s job as the writer…

John Byrne talks about the NEXT MEN return

John Byrne’s Next Men was a huge hit in the 90’s as part of Dark Horse Comics…

David Steinberger talks about Comixology

David Steinberger is the king of digital comics. Having just signed a deal with DC Comics…

Michael Metcalf talks about the BLACK BAT

Black Bat is a pulp hero that is part Batman, part Daredevil and part Shadow all…

Paul Kupperberg and John Herbert talk about CAPTAIN ACTION

Captain Action Classified deals with the original Captain Action in all his 1960’s, Cold War glory.…

Jeff Krell’s Archie Ambitions

Let’s just say it right up front: Jeff Krell wants to write Archie comics. That is…

An Interview with Archie artist Bill Galvan

The first thing I’d like you to know about Bill Galvan is that he’s an incredibly…

Tom DeFalco talks about SPIDER-GIRL’s New Series in May

In May (fittingly), the Marvel comic book that won’t die returns yet again as May Parker…

DC Comics’ Red Circle team talk about RED CIRCLE 2.0

DC Comics recently announced the Mighty Crusaders Special, followed by the cancellation of both Red Circle…

Jim Balent and Holly Golightly talks about A DECADE OF BROADSWORD COMICS

On the 10th Anniversary of BroadSword Comics, Jim Balent and Holly Golightly will see their company…

Jim Simon and team talk about the launch of SHIELDMASTER

Jim Simon has a new hero, ShieldMaster and he looks surprisingly similar to a well-known hero…

Brandon Jerwa and Michael Avon Oeming talk about THE FOX

Next month the Fox returns as part of DC’s Red Circle line. The Fox had a…

Keith Chapagne & Andy Smith talk about WWE HEROES

Comics and Wrestling have been together since Valiant produced WWF Battlemania in 1991. This time out…

Greg Horn talks about his NEW ART STYLE

Greg Horn is one of Marvel’s most prolific cover artists. After the Who do you Trust…

Rachel Gluckstern talks about How RED CIRCLE Will Add to the DCU

After a long journey, the Red Circle’s transformation is finally underway. The superheroes originally published by…

Greg Scott talks about INFERNO

First Comics News: You’ve been at DC for a while now, how did you originally break…

Tom DeFalco talks about SPIDER-GIRL Coming Back Again

Spider-Girl’s history is a tumultuous one, to say the least. May Parker, alternate-universe daughter of Peter…

DeMatteis talks about SPIDER-GIRL in WEB OF SPIDER-MAN

John Marc DeMatteis stopped by First Comics News to clear up his role as writer for the recently announced…

Marco Rudy talks about THE SHIELD

We continue our in depth look at DC’s new Red Circle line with Marco Rudy and…

John Rozum talks about THE HANGMAN

We continue our in depth look at DC’s new Red Circle line with John Rozum and…

Bryan Q. Miller talks about BATGIRL

First Comics News: In the promotion for this comic, there is a mystery as to who is the…

Scott McDaniel talks about THE SHIELD

We continue our conversations with creators working on DC’s upcoming books starring the Red Circle characters,…