Stuart Moore talks about BRONZE AGE BOOGIE

BRONZE AGE BOOGIE gives you Planet of the Apes, monsters, Kung Fu, sword & sorcery, and…

Paul Constant talks about PLANET OF THE NERDS

A long, long. time ago there was an epic battle between Nerds and Jocks. One assumes…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Rob Wolinsky Creator/Writer for Skotus 

First Comics News: How did “Skotus” come into being? Rob Wolinsky: SKOTUS was an idea I had for…

Carmelo Chimera talks about giving his shop Chimera’s Comics to one lucky fan… it could be you!

Carmelo Chimera is giving away his comic shop, Chimera’s Comics. It’s not one of those sales…

Omaha Perez talks about DRUDE 2: LOST ANGELES

Our friend Omaha Perez in bring Drude back to comic book shops this April and the…

David Pepose talks about SPENCER & LOCKE II

Detective Locke is back with his imaginary partner Spencer. He is still dealing with the reproductions…

RICH REVIEWS: Liana Recchione Artist for The List

First Comics News: How did you like working on such an iconic character as Santa Claus?…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Debbie Rochon Actress in Doom Room

First Comics News: Why do you enjoy acting and how has it changed your life? Debbie…

JEFF KNOTT & DEREK JESSOME talk about Grandway Comics

Introduction: I was visiting a local Halifax Regional Municipality comic book shop, several weeks ago, and,…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Kirsten Thompson Creator/Writer for I Am Hexed

First Comics News: How did you come up with the idea for “I Am Hexed”? Kirsten Thompson: The…

Cosmic Level Occult Mecha Warfare and Corey J. White

Some publishers just publish periodicals. Oh Nothing Press releases new and weird cultural artifacts, killer t-shirts,…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Edgar Delgado Writer/Colorist for Los Valiants

First Comics News: What type of book is “Los Valiants”? Edgar Delgado: Los Valiants is a straight up…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Madison Horcher Actress for Mail Order Monster

First Comics News: What is it about acting that you enjoy the most? Madison Horcher: What I love…

The Liberty Brigade Fights Again…For the First Time

Longtime comic fan and original art collector Michael Finn has decided to create a  self-published book…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Arianna Irwin Writer for The Comet Vol.: Combustion

First Comics News: Why did it take five years to get “The Comet” published? Arianna Irwin: Getting “The…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Francine Delgado Artist for The Comet Vol 1.: Combustion

First Comics News: Who is the Comet and how does she get that name? Francine Delgado: The…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Carolina Ravassa Actress for Havana Darkness

 First Comics News: Were you ever actually afraid during the filming of “Havana Darkness”? Carolina Ravassa: I…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Kelly Brown Illustrator for Woe Is Oz

First Comics News: Is your Dorthy at all like Dorthy from the original Oz? Kelly Brown: When creating…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Ethan Tarshish Creator/Writer for Woe Is Oz

First Comics News: What are some of the main differences between “Woe Is Oz” and the original…

The Yuan Twins talk about LOVE TOWN

The Yuan Twins have brought us Servine Supes and Inspector Oh. Now they have a new…

Bradley Golden talks about MISSISSIPPI ZOMBIE

Bradley Golden has a new Zombie comic on Kickstarter. It’s a Southern Zombie comic. For anyone…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Sean O’Reilly Creator Steam Engines of Oz

First Comics News: How did the idea for “Steam Engines of Oz” come into being? Sean O’Reilly: Like…

RICH INTERVIEWS: William Mull Writer/Colorer/Letterer for Forbidden Gallery

First Comics News: In “Forbidden Gallery # 3” what is the story you wrote “China Bull”…


I first noticed Scott McDaniel on Nightwing, and I have done many interviews with him since…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Bill Morrison Writer/Artist for The Beatles Yellow Submarine

First Comics News: Were you a fan of the Beatles before making “The Beatles Yellow Submarine”? Bill…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Elena Kampouris Actress for Sacred Lies

First Comics News: How did you make your start as an actress? Elena Kampouris: I fell in love…

Tom Peyer talks about WRONG EARTH

Ahoy Comics is the newest publisher in town. Tom Peyer will be writing their debut title,…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Anthony Del Col Writer for Luke Cage: Everyman

First Comics News: Why were you excited to write Luke Cage? Anthony Del Col: Well, first off it’s…

RICH INTERVIEWS: Ian Herring Colourist for Luke Cage: Everyman

First Comics News: How did you get into colouring professionally? Ian Herring: I was an illustration…

Marty’s Kickstarter Pick … Badassical Issue #4

I did a review of Badassical #1 a while back and it is one of those…

John Crowther talks about BRUNO SAMMARTINO

I have talked with John Crowther before about wrestling comics and other projects but know he…

RICH INREVIEWS: Tiffany Smith Actress for House of Demons

First Comics News: What was your first acting job? Tiffany Smith: My first acting job that I remember…

Interview with Matthew Lindblad of Awkweird Clothing

At this past Comic-Con in San Diego, I sat down with Matthew Lindblad, the founder of…