JUST IMAGINE! May 1964: Giants in the Earth

I remember the thrill I got just looking at a house ad for Giants Walk the…

JUST IMAGE! August 1941: How to Escape a Shark Tank

As death traps go, being dropped into a shark tank has got to rank right up…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1964: The Ironic, Ionic Wonder Man

Born to die in a single issue, Wonder Man nevertheless ended up spawning four enduring Marvel…

JUST IMAGINE! April 1961: A Space Ghost Winks

Comic books rarely use a good idea only once. For example, take Charlton’s Space War 10…

JUST IMAGINE! Oh, the Things a Thunder God Can Do

Thor’s go-to powers of flight, super-strength and super-durability were suggested by the Captain Marvel/magical transformation template…

JUST IMAGINE! August 1965: Subby Moves into a Duplex

Marvel’s seagoing Superman of the 1940s became a useful utility character early in the 1960s, serving…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1957: Who Was that Old Masked Man?

In the superhero desert of the late 1950s, kids like me were eager for any glimpse…

JUST IMAGINE! May 1962: The Man Who Bested the Justice League

In Justice League of America 4 (April-May 1961), the Flash proposed Adam Strange for membership, despite the fact…

JUST IMAGINE! April 1940: Another Mask for the Black Bat

The back story of The Mask is more interesting than the story itself. “The Mask is…

JUST IMAGINE! August 1970: Marvel’s Cravings

Marvel superheroes used to “grow weary of inactivity” a LOT. I don’t know, maybe relax a…

JUST IMAGINE! January 1967: At the End of the Jungle Trail

Within the boom-and-bust cycles of the comic book industry, you can in retrospect spot those moments…

JUST IMAGINE! December 1957: The Hidden Defenders of Ditko

Steve Ditko’s 1950s fantasy stories offer examples of one of his running themes: the hidden defender.…

JUST IMAGINE! May 1966: Heroes and Humor

Rather amazingly, seven of the 11 titles Archie Comics had on the newsstands in May 1966…

JUST IMAGINE! 1941: Loving the Long-Vanished Heroes

Live action super heroes were thin on the ground when I was a boy. We had…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1966: When Spawns the Serpent

“I found that it was all right to have Martians saying things Democrats and Republicans could…

JUST IMAGINE! December 1964: That Other Man of Steel

Like superheroes, fictional private detectives generally find themselves in the freelance justice business. Popular culture critic…

JUST IMAGINE! November 1963: Two Letters Make a Big Difference

Hank Pym became a whole new superhero just by adding two letters to his name. In…

JUST IMAGINE! March 1972: Marvel Goes to Mars

In the early 1970s, Marvel Comics began trading some of its capes and masks for swords…

JUST IMAGINE! June 1940: Black and White and Red

In the early 1930s, newspaper syndicates rejected Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster’s Superman. But by the…

JUST IMAGINE! March 1963: The Hero Who Got No Respect

In 1963, this didn’t make sense. The Fantastic Four were fighting some weird character named “Spider-Man,”…

JUST IMAGINE! August 1962: The Grin on the Mushroom Cloud

For 13 days in 1962, when I was 8, my grandparents and the other adults around…

JUST IMAGINE! March 1962: Let’s Give the Villains a Hand

Early in their runs, the jet age Flash and Green Lantern had already developed surprisingly elaborate…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1962: Farewell to the Monsters

As a small boy, I was fascinated by weird and immensely powerful beings. Mesmerized, really. Superheroes…

JUST IMAGINE! November 1960: When the Water Walks..

In June 1960, when I was 6, I remember suddenly being struck by the realization of…

JUST IMAGINE! February 1961: Wonder on the Wing

The first time I saw Hawkman, the winged wonder and his wife were fighting some kind…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1969: Justice, Like Lightning, Ever Shall Appear…

I understand that Marvel Bullpen wasn’t thrilled with publisher Martin Goodman’s idea of appropriating the name…

JUST IMAGINE! August 1965: When Pinocchio Met Superman

Cross Pinocchio with Superman and you might well get something like Tetsuwan Atomu, renamed Astro Boy…

JUST IMAGINE! June 1960: There Were Giants in Those Days

Ah, those glorious “annuals.” I use quotation marks here because their popularity pushed up their publication…

JUST IMAGINE! November 1962: Be Careful What You Wish For

An arrogant man makes threatening demands of some obscure figure who is on the fringes of…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1940: When You Wish Upon a Ring…

The first time I saw the original Green Lantern was in the pages of Flash 129…

JUST IMAGINE! August 2023: Capes and Flags

The Archie Comics superheroes died several times in the last 80 years, but they never stayed…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1953: Fantasy with a Familiar Ring

The haunting dreams of Adam Blake’s fellow librarian Lily Torrence — now renamed Lucy — provide…

JUST IMAGINE! June 1960: The Pentagon’s Own Superman

Russia might have been ahead in the space race, but America stood ready to redress the…