JUST IMAGINE! April 1967: Incineration and Invincibility

Destruction and resurrection are a running theme in superhero stories. I think our unconscious minds are…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1961: Mayhem in Miniature

In order to tell a good superhero story, writers must constantly come up with ways to…

JUST IMAGINE! May 1954: Amid the Alien Corn

A Cold War “enemy within” vibe continues in Strange Adventures 44 (May 1954), when evil, intelligent…

JUST IMAGINE! August 1957: My Fair Super-Girl

  Although the Superman comic books were aimed at kids, the Superman newspaper strip necessarily included…

JUST IMAGINE! February 1955: Fighting Red with Red

Odd that such a red-baiting character would dress all in red. A sort of anticommunist Batman,…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1947: The Shadow of Hawkman’s Ghost

The Gentleman Ghost, a character created by Robert Kanigher who first appeared in Flash Comics 88…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1950: King for a Brief Day

If superheroes were fading in 1950, maybe secret agents were the coming thing? During the spring…

JUST IMAGINE! November 1961: The Stranger in the Swamp

Just as cruelty was punished in Marvel’s short fantasy stories, kindness, and decency were always rewarded.…

JUST IMAGINE! January 1962: Flubber’s Strange Adventure

In 1961, jalopies took to the skies — first in the hit Disney comedy The Absent-Minded…

JUST IMAGINE! March 1963: When Titans Tangle!

Fantastic Four 12 (March 1963) offered something rare then — a superhero battle that enabled readers…

JUST IMAGINE! January 1929: Optimism and Armageddon

The art may seem a little crude, but the sense of wonder is palpable in the…

JUST IMAGINE! June 1966: Finding the First Fortress

Supermen seek solitude. After all, being inundated by ordinary people’s needs and demands would be draining,…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1965: The Perfidious Premiere of Power Man

Even at first glance, I recognized Power Man as a nod to that one-issue wonder, Wonder…

JUST IMAGINE! October 1944: Siblings Shamble Out of the Swamp

One of the greatest foes ever faced by Green Lantern and the Justice Society of America…

JUST IMAGINE! September 1958: A Venusian Eye in the Sky

Admittedly, The First Satellite (Space Adventures 25, Sept. 1958) was a pretty predictable piece. Bellicose Earthmen…

JUST IMAGINE! April 1941: Zatara in Action

Although he always lived in Superman’s shadow, Zatara the Magician was at least as powerful as…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1963: FF Shrinks as Marvel Universe Grows

I must have reread Fantastic Four 16 (July 1963) more often than any other issue, and…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1987: Wonder Drugs to the Rescue

Superheroes may be fiction, but wonder if drugs are real. Originally, in his first appearance in…

JUST IMAGINE! January 1958: Strange Mysteries of Other Planets

Even in the superhero desert of the 1950s, a lot of comic book stories might be…

JUST IMAGINE: March 1982: Shout ‘Kimota!” and Transform Comics

Before his own Watchmen and Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns, there was 1982’s Marvelman, Englishman Alan…

JUST IMAGINE! April 1960: Wolf Man Jimmy

Superman’s pal may have been mystified about how he became a Wolf Man (Jimmy Olsen 44,…

JUST IMAGINE! March 1962: Monsters May Be Misunderstood

From the first, Marvel Comics regularly repeated an anti-prejudice theme (except where “Reds” were concerned, of…

JUST IMAGINE! July 1925: Beware the Deadly Ringer

Virtually a one-man fiction factory, the British writer Edgar Wallace perpetuated many of the melodramatic conventions…

JUST IMAGINE! December 1958: The Four Faces of the Jackal

For years, I assumed that the Batman villain King Tut, played with scenery-chewing relish by Victor…

JUST IMAGINE! June 1959: The Invisible Tomahawk

Tomahawk started out fighting redcoats and ended up battling frontier dinosaurs, frontier supermen, giant gorillas, Indians…

JUST IMAGINE! December 1952: Double, Toil and Trouble

In November, Captain Comet had encountered a female counterpart, Miss Universe. The next month saw him…

JUST IMAGINE! December 1959: How the Blackhawks Evolved

Part of my fascination with comic book house ads is seeing what was inside the titles…

JUST IMAGINE! January 1967: The Super Powers of the Twilight Zone

“Some people possess talent, others are possessed by it. When that happens, a talent becomes a…

JUST IMAGINE! February 1980: A Forgotten Feel-Good Film

If Frank Capra had made a superhero movie, it might well have been 1980’s Hero at…

JUST IMAGINE! November 1956: Have Rocket Belt, Will Fight Crime

In France after World War II, superheroes became problematic. Characters like Tarzan and the Batman-like French…

JUST IMAGINE! September 1964: When Justice Jests

One scene in superhero stories always amuses me. It’s the bit where some bully, smartass, or…

JUST IMAGINE! February 1947: The Wonder in the Wheelchair

Gardner Fox wrote superhero stories intended to provide support for the disabled, all the way back…

JUST IMAGINE! September 1967: That’s Nice, That’s Terrific

Superman editor Mort Weisinger often took his story cues from the popular culture fads of the…