Can’t Believe We’re Actually Gonna Make These — The Worst Trend From The ’90s, Because You Demanded It!

The BAD IDEA Covers of Lewis LaRosa set (20 Pogs)

You did this. Yes, YOU. Not us. You asked and asked and asked. Were you joking?

“Hur, hur, do Pogs!”

“You know what would be a BAD IDEA, Pogs!”

Well, the joke’s on you now.

Introducing, POGS, bitches.

We’ve taken the complete BAD IDEA cover art catalog of legendary artist Lewis LaRosa and defiled them by making a set of Pogs.

The BAD IDEA Covers of Lewis LaRosa — Pog Set collects all 20 jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring, beautiful covers in signature milkcap designs, straight out of the ’90s! 

Relive LaRosa’s iconic artwork on blockbuster hits such as ENIAC, TANKERS, ORC ISLAND, THE ENDS, WEREWOLF and many mo…you know, I can’t. Pogs? We’re really doing Pogs??! This isn’t a subversive, meta commentary bad idea. It’s not actually clever in observation or critique of the medium and collecting. This is just a bad idea. No, it’s worse. This is dumb.

Okay, let’s just get through this. Offered as a set of 20 full color Pogs (lord help us) and as a set of 20 ultra-limited, black and white Artist Edition Pogs. Each set is is available for just 48 hours and only via this offer.

But wait, if you’re all-in enough to actually buy this, you might be just the right amount of BAD IDEA obsessed to think that buying both is worth it just to get the one extra-special BAD IDEA logo Pog. My opinion? It’s not.

How much? Let’s see. Hmm. My notes don’t actually say. Well, that’s interesting. I guess I get to decide. Okay, let’s kill this program right now. No one should want Pogs. And absolutely no one should want to pay this much for them:

1. The BAD IDEA Covers of Lewis LaRosa set (20 Pogs)

2. The BAD IDEA Covers of Lewis LaRosa Artist Edition Set (20 Pogs)

3. Both sets + The BAD IDEA logo Pog (41 Pogs)

That should do it. Hopefully, now we’ll never have to actually make these things. You’re welcome Matt Kindt, Robert Venditti, Christos Gage, Peter Milligan, Joshua Dysart, David & Maria Lapham and all the creators that worked on the books that were getting Pogs.

Oh fuck, there’s something on the back of my notes here.

Did you back the Megalith kickstarter campaign at the BAD IDEA Ultimate Fan tier? For those who pledged at Tier 18 or higher, no need to place an order. Per the terms of the tier, where you get everything BAD IDEA offers and produces for the next six months, we’ve set aside a complete collection for you of both sets of Pogs plus the BAD IDEA Pog!


A few spots at BAD IDEA Ultimate Fan tier are still available but are going fast! Pledge today and you can secure both of these PLUS any other item we offer and produce before 11/4/23 (crowdfunding items exempt).

The extra-special BAD IDEA logo Pog

To foolishly purchase simply follow the instructions below:

Send a PayPal payment for the cost of your item + $20 for shipping and handling to Costs are below.

1. The BAD IDEA Covers of Lewis LaRosa set (20 Pogs)

2. The BAD IDEA Covers of Lewis LaRosa Artist Edition Set (20 Pogs)

3. Both sets + The BAD IDEA logo Pog (41 Pogs)

Please include the item number you are purchasing, full name, and mailing address in the PayPal note.

Offer valid for 48 hours. All orders must be received by Friday, May 19th at 5pm PST.

Please allow up to 6-8 weeks to receive your order.

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