By Popular Demand — The A GOOD BOY Trailer Now In Full Color!

‘A Good Boy’ trailer viewership spiked ∞% with the trailer launch! We were social media’s most-watched comic book werewolf-related trailer premiere EVER!

Southeastern United States film-making legend, Brockton McKinney’s (REPTCHILD, SICK AND THE DEAD), phone has been ringing off the hook with big Hollywood offers. Rumors are already circulating that the can-do-no-wrong execs at Sony Pictures have him in their sights for Madame Web 2! We just hope he gives the Madame Web fans what they want — horrible dialogue, confused performances, no more than 15 seconds of superheroes in costume and absolutely zero Spider-Man.

Until then, global audiences will have to make do with the all-new-but-also-all-the same A GOOD BOY trailer in full eye-bursting color! 

Prepare to be shocked, terrified and thrilled a third time, this time by A GOOD BOY: The Trailer: Color Edition — a technically-new comic book trailer by the soon-to-be-in-director-jail mind who brought you this exact same trailer once before, only in black and white.

A GOOD BOY marks the first BAD IDEA work from the twisted mind of Doug Wagner (PLASTICVINYL) who is joined by Adam Pollina (PYRATE QUEEN, WHALESVILLE), Mike Spicer (TRANSFORMERSMURDER FALCON) and Dave Sharpe (TANKERSACTION COMICS).

There’s only one way to get your hands on this incredible story, join BAD IDEA this Saturday, March 2nd at Emerald City Comic Con at 12:30pm in room Tahoma 3 for the BAD IDEA: ECCC Panel. All panel attendees who follow the pre-launch page of the ROBERT VENDITTI’S TANKERS Kickstarter campaign are eligible for one (1) free copy of the convention exclusive — A GOOD BOY, available exclusively at ECCC and only in limited supplies.

To follow the campaign pre-launch page, simply click on this link and then click NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH.

<<< BAD IDEA — the last and greatest underground comics publisher — is going live at EMERALD CITY COMIC CON for the first time. That’s right this is BAD IDEA’s first ECCC panel. Be here — or miss the rendezvous between BAD IDEA impresarios Dinesh Shamdasani, Peter Stern, and BAD IDEA Bobby who give you, dear reader, the first look inside the closed channel of the most high-frequency experiment in self-distro comics culture. Join us for all this, special guests AND a free gift. >>> END.

Saturday, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Arch • Level 3 • Tahoma 3

Story by Doug Wagner
Art by Adam Pollina & Mike Spicer

And for all you TANKERS stans thinking right now, ‘wtf, where is my daily Robert Venditti’s TANKERS hit’ or everyone else thinking right now, ‘wtf, they call this news?’, we got you.

TANKERS is coming. You can sign up for it hereIt’s freaking awesome. The campaign is insane. Wait until we tell you about the dinosaur bones. There’s a ton of new story. And the art is out of this world. Here, take a look at this beauty.

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