Boom Bandits is a self-contained cyberpunk tale. The outlaw comic for the outlaw generation!

It’s Boomers vs Millennials.

“In Scarcity, you can’t trust anyone over the age of 40.

For Pixie and Freydank, life expectancy is low and regularly disrupted by immortal elders from neighbouring Methuseland.

When a small act of mischief forces them to flee their home, they discover a forgotten relic that – if unleashed – will smash the status quo and cause potential anarchy between the two cities.”

Boom Bandits is a self-contained cyberpunk tale. The outlaw comic for the outlaw generation!

It’s Boomers vs Millennials.

Boom Bandits comes from the desire to create pop culture that doesn’t delve into nostalgia and reflects the struggles of younger generations.

Boom Bandits will be out April 2021 and available on Amazon.

Ages 13 +

Page Count: 36 Pages

Print RRP: £5.00 / USD $6.99 / €5.77

Produced by HellDunkel Studios

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