Best Review Ever! MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #15

For the first time in color! Murcielaga teams up with her allies, the Reiki Warriors, to take on the menace of Sumo in a classic adventure by Jace Daniels and Daerick Gross!
Also in this issue, RHESUS stars in Chapter Five of “Rings for a Demon,” with story by Spike Steffenhagen and artwork by John Stanisci and A. Kleinbergen.
Cover by Brad Parker
Standard Comic Book; 28 color pages plus covers
Retail Price: $4.99 US, $5.75 Canada
Printing at Ka-Blam Digital Printing
Distributed by Heroic Distribution
UPC: 8-83150-22320-4
Five-digit supplemental code: 01511


I noticed for the first time that Murciélaga She-Bat is published twice a year. Never realized there was a schdule. I just assumed it was published irregularly.


This issue introduces Sumo and is very much in the tradition of 70’s Kung Fu movies. Sumo comes to town and a team of assassins try to kill him. Only to discover that the whole thing was a job audition and with the treat of his son’s life in the ballance, Somo is sent to kill the Reiki Warriors.

The Reiki Warriors are featured on the cover and it’s page 9 before we see Murciélaga. This issue may be short on Murciélaga but it showcases the supporting characters well and is avalable in color for the first time ever.


Rhesus stars in the second story. Rhesus is a gay male stripper and super hero. He is also a member of the Reiki Warriors. His story helps fill out an issue focusing on the Reiki Warriors.

As always beautiful artwork and fun storytelling are the hallmark of a  Murciélaga comic.

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