Best Review Ever! CAPTAIN CANUCK #18 (S4E2)

PUBLISHER: Chapterhouse Publishing
WRITER: Jay Baruchel & Van Jensen
ILLUSTRATOR: Patrick Macchi
COLORS: Diego Albuquerque
LETTERS: Andrews Thomas
EDITOR: Allison O’Tool & Keith Wts Morris
ASSISTANT EDITOR: Josh Rose & Tony White
COVER: John Gallagher
PRICE: $4.99
SUMMARY: “Down” The Borealis Invasion has devastated nations across the planet, leaving only a handful of heroes to stand against overwhelming odds. Each planet conquered and destroyed by the Borealis has added one more immensely powerful Hunter to their pack. The seed, having bonded with both Tom and Michael, makes each hunter more than a match for Captain Canuck on his own.
Regrouping in Nunavut, Crucible, the Human-Lizard, Northguard, and Captain Canuck are joined by Michael. While revealing his own plan to stop the invasion by BLOWING UP TORONTO, they come under siege by Hunters who reveal that Michael is only a holographic projection and is already en route to Toronto with Redcoat.
Barely escaping the Hunters, will Canuck and his team catch up with Michael in time to keep him from destroying Toronto?
COMMENTS: This was everything fans for the Chaptervese have been waiting for. The alien invasion is in full swing. Northguard is in solo action and appears to have a new costume or at least a new headpiece. Freelance is back in action. We have Crucible, Kebec and Red Coat in cameos. AND we have the PITIFUL HUMAN-LIZARD in an all-out battle with the Borealis! In one panel the Borealis appear to kill the Human-Lizard and the next panel he is fine. This inconsistency is the only low point in the story that is otherwise everything a Captain Canuck fan is hoping for. The Borealis appear to be winning the battle. It is really up to Michael Evans to save everyone, which leaves us with a cliff hanger that left me wanting to know what is going to happen next. It was a fun story that hit all the right story beats.

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