BAD IDEA is Over. The FINAL FIVE is Coming. PRE-ORDER DAY is Around the Corner — Read This FAQ for All The Details

What a week that was! BAD IDEA is over. The FINAL FIVE is coming. BAD IDEA’S FINAL FIVE PRE-ORDER DAY event is just around the corner. A lot has happened, so to help you navigate BAD IDEA’s last hurrah, we’ve built this handy-dandy FAQ breaking down what’s happened, what’s next, and how it’s all going to work. So wipe away those tears, buckle up, and prepare for the FINAL FIVE:

Wait, BAD IDEA is over?
Yes, we’re afraid so. Despite our best efforts and all of your wonderful support, BAD IDEA as we know it must end. We will be announcing and releasing our next and final wave of books – THE FINAL FIVE – through the end of the year. Beyond that, BAD IDEA is over.

Why has this happened? Why is BAD IDEA over?
Simply put, we’ve grown beyond anything we ever contemplated. Our hope was to start a small publisher, make comics on our terms, and hopefully find a few likeminded misfits and troublemakers to read them. Try as we might to keep up with the growth, the hard truth is BAD IDEA was never built to work this way.

Well played BAD IDEA but you can’t fool me. This is all just a marketing stunt isn’t it?
We assure you, BAD IDEA is very much ending as we know it this December. The FINAL FIVE is the last wave of books from BAD IDEA. After that, it’s all over.

Okay, what exactly is the FINAL FIVE then?
It’s the next and final wave of books from BAD IDEA and will consist of five brand-new titles (15 issues) on sale between August and December. We’ll be making a full announcement of the titles and creative teams on Thursday, June 17th.

But I can order them before they’re fully announced?
Correct. You can even pre-order them right now, but we encourage you to connect with your local BAD IDEA Destination Store on Wednesday, June 16th aka BAD IDEA’S FINAL FIVE PRE-ORDER DAY and pre-order them then.

What’s so special about the BAD IDEA’S FINAL FIVE PRE-ORDER DAY event?
If you pre-order all five of the FINAL FIVE titles on June 16thaka BAD IDEA’S FINAL FIVE PRE-ORDER DAY event AND are one of the first 10 people to do so at your store, you will be awarded a swanky FINAL FIVE redemption sticker.

What can I redeem the FINAL FIVE sticker for?
Beyond incredible bragging rights? The sticker can be used to redeem, from BAD IDEA, one copy of the first book in the FINAL FIVE line-up. Why would you need to redeem another copy of a book you’ve just pre-ordered? Trust us, with what we’ve got planned, you’re gonna want the help. And if you want the crack team of social media savants at BAD IDEA to show you some love, don’t forget to post a picture of yourself with the sticker at tag us at @badideahello.

And if I pre-order The FINAL FIVE books on June 16th I’d be doing so blind?
Yes. Every book in the FINAL FIVE line-up is a brand-new, previously unannounced book, which means no titles, no story details, no creative teams, no book format specs and no page counts have been revealed. Only the cumulative cover price of the FINAL FIVE and the number of issues will be released by June 16th.

You people are mad!
Was that a statement or a question?

Are you people mad?
Maybe this was a bad idea…

Will I be able to redeem the sticker if I’m a mail order or online customer?
Yes. The stickers are redeemed directly from BAD IDEA. When the time comes, mail the sticker to us along with shipping and handling fees, and we’ll send back one copy of the correct first book in the FINAL FIVE line-up. Details will be announced the week of the book release

If I can’t get off work that day, how do I get a FINAL FIVE redemption sticker?
You’ll still be able to pre-order all the FINAL FIVE titles anytime until each books’ order deadline, but you’ll miss the BAD IDEA FINAL FIVE PRE-ORDER DAY event, and you’ll miss the FINAL FIVE redemption sticker, along with the second chance it grants.

Tell me again how the sticker works?
– Connect with any BAD IDEA Destination Store ONLY on Wednesday, June 16th (in-person or by any other means accepted by the store).
– Pre-order all five of the FINAL FIVE titles with your store. You are pre-ordering blind. Consult your store for their pre-order requirements.
– If you’re one of the first 10 people to pre-order all five titles at your store, you will be awarded a swanky FINAL FIVE redemption sticker.
– The sticker can be used to redeem, from BAD IDEA, one copy of the first book in the FINAL FIVE line-up. And don’t forget, mucho bragging rights!

Are the gold metallic First Customer Pins different from the redemption sticker?
Yes. Once the pins for THE LOT and SLAY BELLS are out in the world (Wednesday, July 7th) we’ll reveal our incredibly awesome, unnecessarily complicated, epic plan for them. An offer you can’t refuse if you will (although technically you can…)

Is there any chance BAD IDEA will return?
Perhaps. If we’re ever needed again.

Remember, the BAD IDEA way also means no variants, no trades, no digital, select stores, perennially available Not First Printings and no more than two comics a month – just monthly comics, sold in comic book shops. Goodbye, troubles. Hello, BAD IDEA SIMPLICITY™.

Wanna get in while the gettin’s good with Bad Idea?  You simply have to visit a Bad Idea “Destination Store” — one of the 200 and counting comic shops around the world that have joined our independent network of direct-distribution retail partners — to pick up all the glorious BAD IDEA books every first Wednesday of the month. (Or pre-order in advance to make sure you secure your copy.)

We’ve made it even easier, too. To locate a Bad Idea retailer near you and then pre-order any and every Bad Idea title, simply click here and fill out the little form.

For more information, visit Bad Idea online at BadIdeaCorp.comFacebookTwitter, and Instagram, or just mash the screen with your palm and do all four simultaneously.

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