Even though the Coronavirus (now COVID-19) has brought the industry to a standstill, fans of comics…
Wayne Hall
Wayne’s Worlds: What’s The Deal With Director’s Cuts?
I know we’re in limbo with the comics industry right now, but I think this is…
Wayne’s Worlds: Which Robin IS Robin?
DC has just released its 80th anniversary celebration for Robin! However, there’s been quite a controversy…
Wayne’s Worlds: Too Many Comics?
I was reading a recent interview with Image Comics Publisher Eric Stephenson about the “state of…
Wayne’s Worlds: Comics’ Mini-series Makeover
The comics industry has been shifting from the monthly title to more mini-series’ and such recently.
Wayne’s Worlds: Still A Great Time to Be a Comics Fan!
I think it’s always good to occasionally see where the industry is right now – And…
Wayne’s Worlds: Permanent (Temporary) Change
The biggest DC news recently seems to have been the revelation of Superman’s secret identity. The…
WAYNE’S WORLDS: Are Trade Paperbacks the Future of Comics?
Where the comics industry is going is a subject that always grabs my attention. It wasn’t…
Wayne’s Worlds: Is the Local Comics Shop an Endangered Species?
Every once in a while, something that grips my attention hits me on Facebook. The latest…
Wayne’s Worlds: I Love New York (Comic Con)!
Looking back over 2019, I felt this was still the best con of the year–New York…
Wayne’s Worlds: Here Comes Harley Quinn!
One of the big highlights of the recent four-day New York Comic Con, which is one…
Wayne’s Worlds: Celebrate Those Anniversaries!
Not too long ago, I attended the One-Year Anniversary celebration at BAMF! Comics Coffee Community in…
Wayne’s Worlds: Snow White: Zombie Apocalypse One Shot Review
There’s a great one-shot comic I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while now, and…
Wayne’s Worlds: The ‘Fans’ Editor-In-Chief
As Marvel continues to celebrate their 80th anniversary, the House of Ideas has been getting a…
Wayne’s Worlds: When Good Guys and Gals Go Bad
One phenomenon in comics that always grabs our attention is when a hero turns to the…
Wayne’s Worlds: What a ‘Crisis’ It Will Be!
During a recent sci-fi/Trek convention, I ran a discussion panel on The CW’s upcoming ‘Crisis on…
Wayne’s Worlds: ‘Dead’ End
Now that The Walking Dead is returning to TV and the new sequel is in the…
Wayne’s Worlds: Hill House Horror
Comics companies have been working to expand their range when it comes to the books they’re…
Wayne’s Worlds: Alpha Flight Returns to Its Canadian Roots
One of the super-teams I’ve always liked has been Alpha Flight from Marvel. I enjoy finding…
Wayne’s Worlds: No One Can Make Just One?
I recently attended the 2019 Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina, one of the biggest comics-oriented conventions around!…
Wayne’s Worlds: When Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better
Recently, I was with Scout Entertainment and Richard Rivera from Stabbity Bunny as we attended the…
Wayne’s Worlds: Ready for New Marvel Audiobooks?
Marvel is not a company to rest on their laurels! The House of Ideas is once…
Wayne’s Worlds: The Bat/Cat Controversy
There are some changes coming to the DC Comics’ Bat-Universe! And with them comes some controversy…
Wayne’s Worlds: Marvel Comics Turns 1,000!
It’s always a big deal when an issue #1,000 comes out, as we recently celebrated Action…
Wayne’s Worlds: Fans at Cons
As much as cons are great places to pick up comics and related treasures, I spend…
Wayne’s Worlds: VIPs at Conventions
I recently attended the 2019 Awesome Con in Washington D.C., really the only comics convention in the…
Wayne’s Worlds: Condition Critical?
I recently attended the Savannah Comic Con in Georgia with friends. I understand this was their second year, and it…
Wayne’s Worlds: Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson Are Back!
Brian Michael Bendis must have given the Man of Steel a serious shot in the arm…