Wayne’s Worlds: Should Superhero Books Be ‘All-Ages?’

I’m always fascinated by the reaction of “mainstream” commentators who talk about comics as a result…

Wayne’s Worlds: I Can’t Wait!

I observed with interest the advent of Loot Crate, a subscription service that sends to your…

Wayne’s Worlds: Some Stories Never End!

As someone who has studied writing, I know that each tale should have a beginning, a…

Wayne’s Worlds: Loving Lower-Tier Characters!

I’ve often said that Batman is my all-time favorite comics character. I’ve felt that way because…

Wayne’s Worlds: Batman Needs Robin!

If you’ve been keeping up with the Robin saga at DC Comics, you know that the…

Wayne’s Worlds: Buying Comics from ‘Other’ Companies

It’s all too easy to get the comics you want from DC and/or Marvel. Often, local…

Wayne’s Worlds: The Problem with Supergirl

I was sad to recently learn that Supergirl is coming to an end on The CW.…

Wayne’s Worlds: Will Disney Ever Buy DC Comics/Time Warner?

We just can’t help ourselves! When even the remotest possibility of a merger that would combine…

Wayne’s Worlds: More and More Bat-Books!

As a longtime Batman fan, I’ve often posed the question: Will the Dark Knight get overexposed?

Wayne’s Worlds: Are Comics Too Realistic?

I’ve mentioned before that there are all kinds of Batman fans. There are some who like…

Wayne’s Worlds: ‘Really’ Variant Covers

I’ve recently been thinking about the film debut of the first Guardians of the Galaxy that…

Wayne’s Worlds: Powered Versus Non-Powered

Okay, who’s your favorite comics hero? Does he or she have super-powers or not? Then look…

Wayne’s Worlds: The Name Game

Okay, you walk into a store and are looking for a few specific comics. How do…

Wayne’s Worlds: Too Much Advertising?

In the last several years, I’ve noticed a trend that’s starting to wear on me. It’s…

Wayne’s Worlds: Don’t Ruin It!

They’re called “spoilers” for a reason!

Wayne’s Worlds: More Number Ones!

If a comics company wants to get the attention of comics readers and collectors, there’s one…

Wayne’s Worlds: Lex Luthor, Hero?

In the last several years, I’ve noticed that Lex Luthor has been a favorite among certain…

Wayne’s Worlds: Spider-Man’s Eyes and Batman’s Ears

I read a lot of “whodunit” stories and watch a lot of mystery shows on the…

Wayne’s Worlds: From Comics to TV

To this day, I still can’t believe that Arrow was ever a show on The CW! Normally, programs…

Wayne’s Worlds: No Bad Characters

There are no bad characters. Only bad writers.  Or at least, writers who don’t know what…

Wayne’s Worlds: Comics and Collectibles

Don’t get me wrong. I read a lot of comics every week. But as hard as…

Wayne’s Worlds: Show “Business”

Many of us have come to accept the fact that some comics will probably always be…

Wayne’s Worlds: Have Exclusive Contracts Gone Away?

“The only constant in life is change.” Boy, is that ever true as far as comics!…

Wayne’s Worlds: What About Long-Term Fans?

The comics industry has always recognized that they need new readers to keep the business going.…

Wayne’s Worlds: The End?

Something interesting is happening in comics these days – stories that actually end!

WAYNE’S WORLDS: The Villains Rule

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” –…

Wayne’s Worlds: Comics as Show Business

I used to hate being asked “paper or plastic?” when I shopped in a grocery store.…

Wayne’s Worlds: The Era of the Event Comic

Is it time to declare the monthly comic dead?

Wayne’s Worlds: Could Comics Be Censored?

It seems like the issue of gun control is never far from the American consciousness due…

Wayne’s Worlds: Right Now, I’m Thankful for …

While we’re waiting for things to get back on their feet, I thought I would look…

Wayne’s Worlds: The Coronavirus Closes Many Comics Shops!

The Coronavirus (now COVID-19) has closed many local comics shops. Expectations are low that we’ll actually…

Wayne’s Worlds: Ch-ch-ch-changes?

There has been a LOT of conversation regarding what changes some would like to see happen,…


There are some pretty new comics companies that are producing quality storytelling, I’m happy to say.…