Wayne’s Worlds: What’s Next? ‘Universe-Sized’ X-Men?

In the endless struggle to outdo themselves, Marvel recently released a “Planet-Size” issue of X-Men! What’s…

Wayne’s Worlds: Comics That Actually End!

Robert Kirkman’s Oblivion Song officially reached it’s end not that long ago. A comic that actually came…

Wayne’s Worlds: Is DC Now ‘BC’?

I think DC Comics should be renamed as “BC,” which should stand for “Batman Comics.”

Wayne’s Worlds: Bring Back the Monsters!

I love my longjohns superhero stories for sure, but I still want more variety in my…

Wayne’s Worlds: Dance of the Superhero Costumes

Every so often, a superhero just has to try on new duds! Don’t worry, though—it’s only…

Wayne’s Worlds: Delays, Delays, Delays

As a comics fan, I’m almost used to books I want arriving late (or not at all).…

Wayne’s Worlds: One Batman Too Many!

As a lifelong Batman fan, I’ve been patient. However, DC recently crossed the line with a…

Wayne’s Worlds: Crowdfunding, More than Ever!

The current pandemic has certainly changed things as far as the comics industry goes. One of…

Wayne’s Worlds: Batman Back in Black and White!

The Dark Knight is as hot as molten lava right now, and DC’s taking advantage of…

Wayne’s Worlds: Back and Back and Back to the Future!

When you’ve read comics as long as I have, you notice trends and events that keep…

Wayne’s Worlds: Reprints Make Sense!

I always appreciate the comics news online, and I recently read a story about Valiant reprinting…

Wayne’s Worlds: Making Comics Returnable

I read with interest the recent news release about Dynamite making all the comics ordered through November returnable.…

Wayne’s Worlds: I Steam, You Stream, We All Stream…

One of the biggest trends going on right now is streaming, and one service I like…

Wayne’s Worlds: When Comics Are Cancelled

It wasn’t all that long ago that Marvel cancelled several titles including Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, and Strikeforce.…

Wayne’s Worlds: ‘Comics Will Make Me Rich!’

Somebody, somewhere must be hiding massive amounts of profits from producing comics! I mean, on a very regular…

Wayne’s Worlds: I Miss Those DC Giants!

It’s finally happened! The Walmart DC Giants have been replaced with packets of several issues in…

Wayne’s Worlds: Make Mine Milestone!

For several years, we’ve heard about the Milestone universe returning to print, and I’m happy to…

WAYNE’S WORLDS: What’s the Deal with Director’s Cuts?

It wasn’t that long ago that Marvel announced  the first issue of X-Men/Fantastic Four will soon be…

Wayne’s Worlds: ‘You Don’t Belong Here’

Something interesting happened on Sunday morning, the final day of of a con I attended just…

Wayne’s Worlds: Ahoy, Comic Fans!

Every once in a while I encounter a comics company I’ve never heaters of, and that…

Wayne’s Worlds: Get Me Out of the Church on Time!

In both Marvel and DC, there have been comics recently that have backed up the notion…

Wayne’s Worlds: In the Coming Year, I Resolve…

It’s not too soon to look ahead into 2022, and while I’m not much for resolutions,…

Wayne’s Worlds: Sometimes a Rumor Is Just a Rumor

With the advent of the Internet and its ability to “instantly” send information almost anywhere in…

Wayne’s Worlds: The Trouble with Time-Locked Characters

It waasn’t all that long ago that DC announced that Doomsday Clock #9 would be delayed. Personally,…

Wayne’s Worlds: Todd’s Toys Teaming with DC

One of the biggest developments in the toy industry focused on Todd McFarlane’s Toys signing a…

Wayne’s Worlds: Taking ‘Talent’ to TV

Once your comic book or OGN has been published, don’t get discouraged if nothing happens with…

Wayne’s Worlds: More Holiday Specials!

I’m already getting into the holiday spirit! And that makes me reflect on holiday-related comics!

Wayne’s Worlds: Why Marvel Comics Won’t End Anytime Soon

It’s as predictable as the sun rising in the morning. I’ve been reading a lot of…

Wayne’s Worlds: Trek Merging Comics, Novels, & TV

I remain quite a big fan of Star Trek, so I’m fascinated by the soon return of…

Wayne’s Worlds: We ALSO Sell…

I’ve shopped at many local comics shops over the years, and when a store decides that…

Wayne’s Worlds: Age-Appropriate Labels on Comics?

As I often do, I was reading the news online when I came across a recent…

Wayne’s Worlds: Hey, I’m Valuable!

I have been hearing from friends who are excited about getting to this year’s C2E2 convention!…

Wayne’s Worlds: That @*&! Fifth Week!

Comics is what we call a habitual industry, meaning you normally buy your books out of habit. For…