Heroes & Villains Releases Punk-Inspired Critical Role Collection

Fans of Critical Role can bring their favorite adventurers to liven up their wardrobe! Heroes &…

Interview with the Game Developer Scott Lowther of “Delverium”

Brisbane-based indie studio Sagestone Games has revealed the Steam demo for their open-world survival crafting game,…

Spider-Man Joins Magic: The Gathering This September

Magic: The Gathering is launching a new set this fall: Magic: The Gathering | Marvel’s Spider-Man.…

Magic: The Gathering Unites with Final Fantasy to Launch in June

Wizards of the Coast is bringing the legendary Final Fantasy universe to Magic: The Gathering with…

An All-New ‘Stranger Things’ Toy Line Emerges from Jazwares!

Jazwares, a top global toy company, and Netflix are partnering to create a new product line…

Atsuko x Crunchyroll Unleash a “Jujutsu Kaisen” Apparel Drop

Crunchyroll is teaming up with anime culture brand Atsuko to unleash the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2024…

‘Delverium’ is a Co-op Sandbox Game Launching Next Month!

Brisbane-based indie studio Sagestone Games has revealed that the Steam demo for their upcoming open-world survival…

“YOU WON’T FEEL A THING” #1 Set for a Second Printing Soon

YOU WON’T FEEL A THING #1 has already sold out at the distribution level. Created by…

‘Stars in the Trash’ Brings Nostalgia to this Cat Tale Video Game!

“Stars in the Trash” is a fun, bite-sized experience that takes players through classic animation’s nostalgia…