TITLE: STRAY #4 PUBLISHER: Action Lab WRITER: Vito Delsante ILLUSTRATOR: Sean Izaakse COLORS: Ross Campbell LETTERS: Vito…
Giovanni Aria
Geo, is the Guido of Greatness, the King of Comics and the Toa of Techies. Its not cool until Geo certifies it cool. He likes everything from Archie to WWE and everything in-between, as long as its funny, edgey, or over the top exciting.
Best Review Ever! Convergence: Shazam! #2
TITLE: Convergence: Shazam! #2 PUBLISHER: DC Comics WRITER: Jeff Parker ILLUSTRATOR: Evan “Doc” Shaner COLORS: Jordie Bellaire…
Best Review Ever! MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #15
MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #15 For the first time in color! Murcielaga teams up with her allies, the Reiki…
Best Review Ever! The Drude #1
The Drude #1 By Omaha Perez $3.99 Drude is one interesting dude. Part of the comics…