Best Review Ever! STRAY #4

TITLE: STRAY #4 PUBLISHER: Action Lab WRITER: Vito Delsante ILLUSTRATOR: Sean Izaakse COLORS: Ross Campbell LETTERS: Vito…

Best Review Ever! Convergence: Shazam! #2

TITLE: Convergence: Shazam! #2 PUBLISHER: DC Comics WRITER: Jeff Parker ILLUSTRATOR: Evan “Doc” Shaner COLORS: Jordie Bellaire…

Best Review Ever! MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #15

MURCIÉLAGA SHE-BAT #15 For the first time in color! Murcielaga teams up with her allies, the Reiki…

Best Review Ever! The Drude #1

The Drude #1 By Omaha Perez $3.99 Drude is one interesting dude. Part of the comics…