The idea was to end PnP summer with the passing of August, but then I came…
Calvin Daniels
Sinoda impresses at multiple player counts
When it comes to abstract strategy games – a genre this writer particularly enjoys – a…
Awaken the old trees
Every once in a while you can be wandering down an online rabbit hole and find…
One ‘ECK’ of a game
When it comes to card games, trick-taking might lead in terms of most games with it…
Learn something about aquatic life as you play
Continuing with a Canadian theme for September we take a look at Pacific Ocean from Timashov…
Wrapping up September’s tip of the hat to Culture Days with a month of Canadian-designed games…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Faraway
Some games cross The Meeple Guild table that prove quite frankly divisive in the sense not…
Calvin’s Commentaries: There be dragons in those caves
When it comes to print and play games some of the simplest ‘builds’ are abstract strategy…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Centurion
Regular readers will know this member of The Meeple Guild loves abstract strategy games. So I…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Fighting off kaiju
Admittedly I tend to gravitate to card-based PnP games as an easy build, but then you…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Harrow County
Some board games of course emerge from other places of popular culture – for example the…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Be an alien; find your way home
As we near the end of our ‘PnP Summer Series’ choosing what games to finish has…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Genesis: Battle of Champions
There are game reviews that are super simple to write – those games you love, or…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Take a quest at coffeetime
Quests Over Coffee is a simple little 18-card print-and-play. When a game is only a couple…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Seasons of Arcadia
Ah, such a pretty game is Seasons of Arcadia. Well, some might think it a bit…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Dice Deck
The great thing about print and play games is that there are so many to discover…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Meridians
Over the weeks we have reviewed several games by designer Kanare Kato; Estate, Stairs, Lines of…
Calvin’s Commentaries: For Northwood!
When you have played as many games as we ‘Meeple Guilders’ it can be difficult for…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Fandooble and the Dragon’s Eye
In every board game collection there will be games which are best described as ‘just silly…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Seven Waters
While this summer series is focused on print-and-play games, this week is sort of only print-and-play…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Estate
As has been noted in past reviews designer Kanare Kato is among the more prolific creators…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Battle Card
When it comes to print and play games simplicity of printing is rather high on the…
Calvin’s Commentaries: We All Take from the River
Ah the games which create a conundrum for the review always prove interesting. Such is the…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Warp-Lancer
This week’s print and play offering is a solo game from Canadian creator Martin Goudreault; Warp-Lancer.…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Parachute Panda
There are games we like way more than we should and that is the case with…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Bomber Boys
Upfront this week, I do not generally want a print-and-play game where I have to make…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Deblockle
If you want to draw my attention in terms of a board game, create an abstract…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Pilfering Pandas
A game with pandas, it’s got to get some love on that alone. But, is Pilfering…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Iago
Among abstract strategy games Othello is most certainly a well-loved classic to the point World Championships…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Revolver Noir
Talk about a game that exudes its theme. Revolver Noir is one of a growing number…
Calvin’s Commentaries: Tolerance
It is amazing just how diverse board games have become. You can find a game on…
Calvin’s Commentaries: One Page Monster Hunt
When the calendar turns to June we are pretty much into summer. Now ideally that means…
Game reflects truly Canadian theme
With the start of September we roll close to ‘Culture Days’ in Canada so for the…