Title: E.V.I.L. Heroes Trade Paperback Publisher: Zenescope Writer: Joe Brusha Artist: Eric J, Sean Hill, Gregbo…
Alexander Raymond
Alex is an entertainment public relations specialist working In viral marketing, networking & publicity. His work can be seen at Monstar PR, Sugar Bear Media, Hollywood Gone Geek, Justa Lotta Tanya and My Hero Toys.
MONSTAR REVIEWS: Vampirella #7
Title: Vampirella #7 Publisher: Dynamite Writer: Paul Cornell / Jeremy Whitley Artist: Andy Belanger Colorists: Lee…
Title: Stray #1 Publisher: Action Lab Writer: Vito Delsante Artists: Lee Gaston and Sean Izaakse Colorists:…
MONSTAR REVIEWS: Mighty Mouse #5
Title: Mighty Mouse #5 Publisher: Dynamite Writer: Sholly Fisch Artist: Igor Lima Colours: Mohan Letterer: Tom…