A Kickstarter campaign to bring the acclaimed sci-fi webcomic to the 21st Century!

• 2000 Eagle Award for “Favourite Web-Based Comic”
• 1999 Eisner Award nomination “Talent Deserving Wider Recognition”
• 1999 Squiddy Award for “Best Webcomic”
• 1998 Don Thompson Award for “Favorite New Series”
Two of those awards are from Compuserve andrec.art.comics. That’s how long ago we’re talking about. 🙂
While a number of Astounding Space Thrillscomic books were self-published and four were published by Image Comics, these award-winning webcomics have never been in print. This new Kickstarter campaign aims to fix that.
This first hardbound volume will be 40+ pages and collect the remastered first storyline “Undersea Menace From The Year 3200.” If the campaign is successful, Steve plans additional volumes collecting the next two storylines “Space Quakes,” and “The Faberge Omelet.” These beautifully-produced hardcover books will be signed and just $25 each. The campaign has a modest $3,500 goal.

This campaign follows Steve’s successful crowdfunded collections of his current webcomic project The Middle Age. https://middleagecomic.com
The campaign launches Wednesday, April 28, and will run until Wednesday, May 26.