I’m getting my fear on in Arizona and you should too!!

Please join us for another great #Horror Writers event. I love these damn things!

This one will be including us signing and greeting at a booth and having another fantastic writers panel featuring my fellow #HorrorWritersAssociation folks from the HWA Las Vegas chapter (of which I Co-Chair) this October. So far I can confirm I have booked MARK SAVAGE, MAT KAUFMAN, JEFF DEPEW, along with MYSELF. One more name to announce coming soon.
If you don’t come – I may get really really CHOKED up!

For more info:
About Author
Writer, Producer, Ghost Rider enthusiast, & cat dad. Watch his movie THE NUDELS OF NUDELAND at NudistHumorist.com or HELLs COMING FOR YOU on Amazon.com ****** “I would especially read anything by Tim Chizmar, I go in that direction.” – KEVIN SMITH, Writer/Director of Clerks, Tusk, etc. ***** “Tim Chizmar reaches past the conventions of the commonplace and holds nothing back!” – CLIVE BARKER, the Writer/Director of Hellraiser, Lord of Illusions, Candyman.