The Acclaimed, Punk Rock Horror Series Returns Later This Year, Following the Trade Paperback Release in February, Featuring an Introduction by John Layman
Ahead of the trade paperback release of the acclaimed BLACK’S MYTH graphic novel by writer Eric Palicki (Atlantis Wasn’t Built For Tourists) and artist Wendell Cavalcanti (BlackAcre), Syracuse-based comic publisher AHOY Comics has announced that the creative team, including star cover artist Liana Kangas (Trve Kvlt, Star Wars Adventures, She Said Destroy, BLACK AF: Devil’s Dye), will return for an all new BLACK’S MYTH series, to be released by AHOY Comics later this year. The acclaimed, punk rock horror comic follows the adventures of werewolf PI Janie Jones “Strummer” Mercado and her charming djinn assistant Ben Si’lat as they solve crimes in the “supernatural underground” thriving in Los Angeles.
The first volume of BLACK’S MYTH will be collected as a trade paperback in bookstores on February 15th and in comic book shops on February 16th 2022 and will feature an introduction by CHEW co-creator, writer John Layman. In this volume, when the case of a lifetime falls into Strummer’s lap, it’s up to her and her charming djinn assistant Ben Si’lat to figure out just how many silver bullets have been used. (And just where do silver bullets come from, anyway?)
In the upcoming series, the son of the mysterious Rainsford Black has gone missing while searching for a grimoire dating to the 1600s which would allow him to summon demons to hunt and add to the elder’s growing collection of trophies. Now it’s up to Strummer and Ben to find him — but as always, the case is less clear cut than it seems on the surface.
“Our first story belonged to Strummer and Ben, but we called the book Black’s Myth for a reason, and we have so much more of Rainsford Black’s story to reveal,” said writer Eric Palicki. “What compels him to hunt (and collect) monsters, and what kind of case could possibly bring Strummer back into his orbit? Volume 2 promises answers, along with the return of everyone’s favorite Minotaur.”
“Werewolf, Djinn, vampires, Minotaur, Los Angeles, the Dodge Charger, and Grim — attaboy! I missed you guys. Here we go again!” said artist Wendell Cavalcanti.
“I am beyond thrilled to give the people what they want: the further adventures of Strummer and her band of mythological misfits,” said editor Sarah Litt. “The reception to the first book blew us all away and I believe the second series will be even better. The entire team is returning and I am delighted to be working with them again — truly some of the most talented people in comics.“
Just like the last volume, the latest BLACK’S MYTH series will feature covers by Liana Kangas (Trve Kvlt, Star Wars Adventures, She Said Destroy, BLACK AF: Devil’s Dye). Said Kangas: “I’m back, back, back again, baby!”