AEW WrestleDream Results

AEW presented WrestleDream live from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA!

It’s Sunday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off!

AEW CEO and GM Tony Khan was in the ring with an opening ceremony to honor the legendary trailblazer and dreamer Antonio Inoki. Tony Khan was with some great representatives from New Japan Pro-Wrestling, including the grandsons of Antonio Inoki—Naoto Inoki and Hirota Inoki.


Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Nigel McGuinness.

8-Person Mixed Tag Team Match!

Diamante, Lee Moriarty, Mercedes Martinez, & Shane Taylor


ROH Women’s World Champion Athena, Billie Starkz, Keith Lee, & Satoshi Kojima!

Athena ducked a kick from Diamante and then suplexed her. Athena and Billie Starkz hit tandem tope suicidas on Diamante and Martinez.

Shane Taylor charged into Keith Lee but Lee barely budged. Lee took down Taylor with a hurracanrana. Taylor walloped Keith Lee with a cheap shop. Lee Moriarty tagged in, but Keith Lee hurled him across the ring and tagged in Kojima. Kojima lit up Lee Moriarty with rapid fire chops. Kojima spiked Moriarty with a DDT for a near fall.

Athena rocked Lee Moriarty with the O-Face. Keith Lee planted Moriarty. Kojima nailed Lee Moriarty with a lariat and pinned him for the victory!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli (with Jon Moxley)


“The War Master” Josh Barnett!

“Josh Barnett is the most feared catch wrestler in the world today,” said Nigel.

Jon Moxley joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Barnett and Claudio grappled to the mat. Barnett went for a knee bar. Claudio spun out of it. Claudio began to connect with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Barnett fired back with a dragon screw leg whip.

Barnett kicked to the inside of Claudio’s leg. Claudio retaliated with European Uppercuts. They traded forearms. Barnett blasted Claudio with a spinning leg kick. Claudio grabbed the legs of Barnett and put him in the Giant Swing!

Josh Barnett threw Claudio with a double underarm suplex. Claudio transitioned from an octopus submission to a crucifix and pinned Josh Barnett!

Barnett: “Heard a lot about you, Claudio. You’re highly regarded. Hearing about it is one thing, experiencing it is another, and they’re all correct. They don’t understand how great you actually art. I promise you. Inoki-San would approve of you. I came in with no expectations and I leave with only the highest expectations for you. Tonight, I gave you a challenge, and you overcame. I’m very proud of you. However, this ain’t over. You owe me more time. And I will come, someday, some place, for that time.”

Claudio: “Anytime, anyplace.”

Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne!

Luchasaurus planted Nick Wayne on the back of his neck with a German Suplex. Nick Wayne’s mother was watching from the front row.

Nick Wayne connected with two thrust kicks. Luchasaurus headbutted Nick Wayne in the midsection. Luchasaurus picked up Nick Wayne and choke slammed him over the ropes and onto the ring apron!

Nick Wayne used a moonsault to take down Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus countered Wayne’s World with a nasty shot to the back of the head and pinned Nick Wayne.

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.)


TMDK—Bad Dude Tito, Mikey Nichols, & Shane Haste!

Max fought out of TMDK’s corner and tagged Billy Gunn into the match. Billy Gunn hit a shoulder tackle on Shane Haste. As the ref was distracted, TMDK double teamed Bowens. Bad Dude Tito sent Bowens soaring with an exploder suplex.

Bowens peppered Bad Dude Tito with elbow strikes. Tito cracked Bowens with a spinebuster. Billy Gunn tagged in and cleaned house on TMDK. Bad Dude Tito German Suplexed Billy, but Caster was there to break up the pin. Bowens smashed Bad Dude Tito with the Arrival. Max Caster hit the Mic Drop and pinned Bad Dude Tito!

The pay-per-view portion of WrestleDream kicked off with…

ROH World Tag Team Championship 2-on-1 Handicap Match!

AEW World Champion MJF (c.) vs. The Righteous—Dutch & Vincent!

“The Human Suplex Machine” Taz joined the broadcast booth.

MJF: “It appears the devil has arrived in Seattle! I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little mad about the rumors that I attacked Jay White. I had nothing to do with it. To top it off, someone went into my locker room and stole my mask out of my bag. And to make matters worse, my boy Adam Cole is hurt and isn’t here tonight.

“But it’s all good because I’m going to make sure when he comes back these ROH World Tag Titles are here waiting for him. I’m gonna hit Dutch with a body slam. And Vincent, I’m going to grab you by your dirty dreads and shove your head up Dutch’s a–!”

When the match started, the Righteous swarmed MJF and stomped a mudhole into him. Dutch connected with a rip cord lariat and Vincent followed up with a low flatliner for a near fall. MJF tried to go for a tag, his tag team instincts kicking in, but then he realized his partner Adam Cole was out with an injury.

Dutch power bombed MJF and then Vincent swooped down with the Death From Above senton for a two-count on MJF. Vincent drilled MJF with the Bossman slam. Dutch distracted the ref while Vincent grabbed the block of wood and a steel chair, intending to break MJF’s legs. MJF grabbed Vincent in the groin before Vincent could swing the chair!

Vincent rattled MJF with a pump kick. Vincent tried for a senton, but MJF sat up, dodging it in time. MJF chomped down on Vincent’s forehead. MJF body slammed Dutch!

“The slam that shook Seattle, maybe the world,” said Taz.

MJF grabbed Vincent by the hair and rammed him into Dutch’s backend. MJF followed up with a double kangaroo kick! MJF drilled Dutch with the heat seeker and pinned Dutch with his feet on the ropes!

“MJF, somehow, someway, has retained the ROH World Tag Team Titles to kick off WrestleDream,” said Excalibur.

ROH World & NJPW Strong Openweight Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata!

Shibata put Eddie in deep water with a knee bar. Kingston managed to crawl to the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold. Shibata locked on the figure four in the center of the ring. Eddie grabbed the ropes, managing to escape again, but he was wearing agony on his face.

Shibata put Eddie in a bow and arrow. He transitioned to a side headlock. Kingston threw Shibata with a high angle back driver. Kingston fired off machine gun chops. Shibata rocked Eddie in the corner with a running dropkick.

It broke down into a slugfest with Shibata and Kingston exchanging strikes. Kingston nailed Shibata with an exploder. Shibata swept Kingston’s leg and drove him into the mat. Shibata applied a cobra twist. He transitioned into a ground octopus submission, and Kingston was fading. Kingston forced the rope break, grabbing the bottom rope.

Kingston walloped Shibata with a spinning backfist. Kingston drilled Shibata with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall! Kingston came back with another spinning backfist and then a powerbomb for the pin on Shibata!

“What a match, what a win, for Eddie Kingston! It was a war,” said Excalibur.

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King)!

Tony Schiavone joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Statlander charged with a knee, but Julia moved out of the way. Kris plowed into Julia Hart with a shoulder tackle. Julia Hart connected with a thrust kick to Statlander. Julia pulled Kris out of the ring with a handful of hair. Statlander picked up Julia and carried her up the ring steps. Julia escaped after a distraction from Brody King and swept out Kris’ legs on the apron.

Julia whipped the TBS Champ into the steel guardrail. Julia mounted Kris and bounced her head off the mat repeatedly. Julia rammed her knee into Kris’ ribs. Julia launched herself off Kris’ back and squashed her with a senton. Out of desperation, Kris powerslammed Julia Hart.

Statlander charged into the corner with a knee to the side of Julia’s head. Statlander rattled Julia with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Julia was about to spray the mist into Kris’ eyes, but Kris slapped it right out of her mouth! Kris climbed to the top rope, but Julia met her up there and launched Kris into the ring with a spider German suplex. Julia connected with a moonsault press and went for the pin, but Kris got her boot on the ropes.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Julia applied the Heartless submission, but Kris stood up and smashed Julia with Sunday Night Fever, scoring the pinfall victory over Julia Hart!

AEW World Tag Title #1 Contender Match!

The Gunns—Austin & Colten


ROH World Six-Man Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


The Lucha Brothers—Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix


FTW Champion HOOK & Orange Cassidy!

Nick Jackson and Rey Fenix traded forearms, then superkicks. Cassidy tagged himself in and dared tried for the Orange Punch on Rey Fenix, but Fenix countered with a thrust kick. The Gunns swarmed the Lucha Bros outside the ring, battering them with cheap shots.

Colten blocked a DDT from Orange Cassidy. The Bucks served up a pair of superkicks to the Gunns. Hook tagged in and lit up Matt Jackson with big right hands. Matt Jackson sent Hook overhead with a Northern Lights Suplex. Hook retaliated with a Northern Lights Suplex of his own. Hook sent Matt Jackson for a ride with a high crotch suplex.

Orange Cassidy and Hook double suplexed the Gunns. Orange flew out of the ring with a tope suicida on the Young Bucks. Penta entered the fray and staggered the Gunns with thrust kicks. Colten hit Penta with a blindside shot.

Penta El Zero Miedo jumped off the top rope with a double cross body press to the Gunns. Penta dropped Austin Gunn with a thrust kick. He planted Colten with the Made in Japan for a near fall.

Austin Gunn got rocked by the Orange Punch from Cassidy. Hook locked in RedRum, but Nick Jackson grabbed a tag and hit a 450 on Austin and Hook! The Bucks superkicked Hook, and then Colten Gunn. The Bucks bashed Penta with the BTE Trigger and Nick pinned Penta!

ROH World Six-Man Champion “Hangman” Adam Page


Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Swerve cracked Page in the face with a strike. Page sent Swerve overhead and to the mat with a fallaway slam. Hangman connected with a lariat. Hangman power bombed Swerve onto the apron and then onto the barricade.

Page soared from the ring post and crashed onto Swerve with a moonsault. Hangman followed up with a pop-up Liger Bomb for a near fall. Hangman smashed into Swerve with a tope!

Hangman went after Swerve’s injured hand. Hangman nailed Swerve with a flying forearm off the top rope. Swerve took down Page with a flatliner. Swerve rattled Hangman with a backbreaker. Swerve squashed Page with a double foot stomp and then rocked Hangman with the House Call for a very close near fall!

“Hangman Adam Page is hurt and hurt bad,” said Nigel.

Swerve was looking for a piledriver on the steel ring steps but Page countered with a Dead Eye! Page bit Swerve’s injured hand. Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Swerve countered with a drop toehold.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Swerve snapped back Page’s arm, hyperextending Page’s elbow. The AEW medical staff were checking on Hangman, but Swerve didn’t care, hitting the double foot stomp. Swerve drilled Page with a 450 on the injured arm!

Hangman shocked Swerve with the comeback lariat. Swerve retaliated with an arm bar. Page escaped and hammered away at Swerve’s damaged hand.

“We are in the middle of a classic!” said Nigel.

Hangman dodged the double lariat and countered with the Buckshot Lariat! Hangman was clutching his injured right arm. He covered Swerve for the pin, but Prince Nana pulled Swerve’s boot onto the bottom rope. Ref Paul Turner ejected Prince Nana from ringside.

As Prince Nana was arguing with the referee, Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Swerve countered by hitting him with Prince Nana’s crown! Swerve covered Page but Page kicked out at two! Swerve blasted Page with the House Call! Swerve served up a second House Call! Swerve planted Page with the JML driver and scored the pin!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Jon Moxley joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Starks and Yuta chain wrestled during the early goings of the match. Starks and Yuta turned it into smashmouth wrestling, trading stiff strikes with one another. Starks suplexed Yuta.

“Wheeler isn’t going to wilt under pressure,” said Moxley.

Big Bill walked down to the ring. Starks rolled up Yuta for a two-count. Starks spiked Yuta with a DDT! Starks power bombed Yuta! Starks used the hammer and anvil elbows on Yuta, but Yuta grit his teeth and got to his feet!

Yuta shoved Starks off the apron, but Big Bill caught Starks. Yuta applied the seatbelt on Starks for a near fall. Starks speared Yuta. Starks followed up with the Rochambeau and pinned Yuta!

Starks was staring at Jon Moxley, smirking.

Dream Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. NJPW TV Champion Zack Sabre, Jr.!

“This is a human game of chess, and we are going to watch a masterclass,” said Nigel.

Zack tried to work over Bryan’s arm. They exchanged submissions and Zack was looking for an arm bar. Danielson escaped and put an Indian Death Lock on Sabre. Zack escaped and went into a full mount.

“Stalemate here in the early goings,” said Excalibur.

Danielson escaped a bow and arrow from Sabre. Danielson went for a European Uppercut, but Sabre countered and then stomped on Danielson’s arm! Danielson battered Zack’s leg with a dragon screw but then Zack cranked Bryan’s neck!

Danielson had Sabre in the tree of woe and brutalized him with body shots. They jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Danielson drilled Zack with an avalanche butterfly suplex. Danielson followed up with a single leg crab, but Zack reached the ropes with his boot.

Danielson nailed Sabre with stiff kicks! Danielson captured Sabre’s wrists and stomped on his head! Danielson and Sabre traded European clutches!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson applied Cattle Mutilation, but Zack countered, cranking on Danielson’s wrist. Danielson spat at Sabre and slapped him in the mouth. Sabre uppercutted the inside of Danielson’s arm.

Zack blistered Bryan with the PK kick to the inside of the arm. Danielson escaped a submission attempt from Zack by reaching the bottom rope with his boot. Danielson stopped Sabre in his tracks with a roundhouse kick. Danielson stomped Sabre’s head. Danielson nailed Sabre with a shoulder capture suplex!

“Zack is on wobbly legs,” said Moxley.

Danielson scored with the knee strike and pinned Sabre!

“What a match! What a physical war. What a hell of a match,” said Jim Ross.

“That was one of the finest displays of wrestling I’ve ever seen in my life. What an experience this was for everyone,” said Moxley.

Trios Grudge Match!

Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, & Kota Ibushi


The Don Callis Family— “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara,

& IWGP UK Champion Will Ospreay!

Jericho chopped Sammy’s chest. Sammy tagged out to Will. Jericho chopped at Will’s chest, taking Will right off his feet. Jericho and Omega used a double suplex to further punish Will.

Both teams entered the ring, and a hockey fight broke out! The ref restored order in the ring. Takeshita connected with a Takeshita-line to Omega. Ospreay tagged in and put Omega in an abdominal stretch. Omega back body dropped Ospreay. Takeshita planted Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Ibushi drilled Sammy with a high round kick and followed up with a moonsault for a near fall. Jericho dropped down on Sammy with a lionsault! Jericho was looking for the lion tamer, but Takeshita entered the ring and sent Jericho flying with a German Suplex. Takeshita walloped Ibushi and Omega with suplexes!

Omega flew over the top with a tope con hiro onto Ospreay and Takeshita. In the ring, Sammy rocked Jericho with a Spanish Fly. Sammy jumped off the top rope with a shooting star press onto Omega outside the ring!

Sammy clocked Omega with a cutter off the ropes. Ospreay power bombed Ibushi onto the back of his head. Takeshita and Ospreay hit Jericho with a pair of high boots. Sammy used a Code Breaker on Jericho. All three members of the Don Callis Family attacked Jericho. Ibushi decked Ospreay. Ibushi decked Sammy. Ibushi and Takeshita traded strikes and then Takeshita leveled Ibushi with a lariat. Ibushi fired back with a lariat of his own!

Ospreay countered Omega’s One-Winged Angel and then collided with Omega with the Sky Twister Press. Jericho was looking for the Judas Effect on Sammy. Ospreay shoved Sammy out of the way and ate the Judas Effect from Jericho for his troubles.

Jericho took down Sammy with a hurracanrana. Jericho covered Sammy but Ospreay held the ref back long enough for Sammy to gather himself. Jericho countered Sammy’s GTH and was looking for the Walls. While Will had ref Aubrey Edwards distracted, Don Callis cracked Jericho with Jericho’s baseball bat! Sammy covered Jericho and scored the pin while Takeshita held back Omega and Ibushi from making the save!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR (c.)—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis!

Cash sent Fletcher towards the sky with a back body drop. Dax tagged in and he and Davis traded chops. Davis body slammed Dax and stuck him with a senton.

“Mark Davis wanted to make a statement there and did he ever,” said Nigel.

Dax hit a snap suplex and then a snap leg drop on Fletcher. FTR double teamed Davis with chops. Aussie Open lifted up FTR and rammed them together, smashing the spins.

Davis threw Cash into Fletcher and Fletcher power bombed Cash! Cash superplexed Fletcher from the top. Dax tagged in and jabbed at Kyle. Dax neutralized Davis and focused his firepower on Fletcher. Dax German Suplexed Fletcher and followed up with a diving headbutt but Fletcher moved out of the way.

Dax drilled Fletcher with a slingshot powerbomb for a near fall. Fletcher hoisted up Cash and Davis jumped off the top turnbuckle with a straight crescent kick to Cash! Dax superplexed Davis and Cash splashed him. Fletcher broke up the pin attempt. Aussie Open sandwiched FTR with lariats. Aussie Open smashed Cash with the Shatter Machine! They followed up with the Coriolis, but Dax ran in to break up the pin. FTR rallied back with a spiked piledriver on Davis on the apron! After a super shatter machine, Cash pinned Fletcher!

Main Event Time!

TNT Championship 2 Out of 3 Falls Match!

Christian Cage (c.) vs. Darby Allin!

Christian Cage sent Luchasaurus to the back to prove he could do it alone.

Darby used a back heel kick on Christian. Darby followed up with an arm drag. Darby held onto a side headlock. Christian Cage got to his feet and punished Darby’s chest with chops. Darby pulled Christian’s turtleneck over Christian’s head and scored the first fall with a jackknife pin.

Nick Wayne’s mother was watching from the front row.

Christian Cage stomped on Darby’s head. Darby dodged a diving headbutt. Darby surprised Christian with the Code Red for a near fall. Outside the ring, Christian whipped Darby into the steel barricade.

Christian approached Nick Wayne’s mother and she threw a drink into his face! Darby rocketed out with a Coffin Drop! Darby tried for another Coffin Drop, this time in the ring, but Christian countered by raising his knees. Christian charged at Darby, knocking him off the edge of the ring and down onto the announcers’ desk.

Christian suplexed Darby onto the steel ring steps! Christian slammed Darby off the apron, driving him into the edge of the ring steps! Darby was counted out and the second fall was awarded to Christian Cage.

While Doc Sampson and the referee were checking on Darby, Christian began tearing the padding off the ring. The medical team brought down a stretcher and placed Darby on it. Christian frog splashed Darby who was on the stretcher!

Christian Cage picked up Darby and placed him back in the ring. The pine boards were exposed. Christian nailed Darby with the Kill Switch on the exposed pine boards! Darby side stepped a spear attempt. Christian Cage applied a Scorpion Death Lock on Darby. Darby was able to crawl and reach the bottom rope, forcing the ref to break the hold.

The fans chanted “Let’s go Darby! Let’s go Darby!”

Darby gouged Christian’s eyes. Darby planted Christian with a Scorpion Death Drop. Darby nailed Christian with the Coffin Drop for a near fall! Darby went up for a second Coffin Drop, but Christian pushed him onto the turnbuckles. Christian rocked Darby with a sunset flip powerbomb on Darby. Christian tried for the spear, but Darby moved, sending Christian into the ref! Christian dropped Darby with a low blow. Christian grabbed his TNT Title, but Nick Wayne ran down and pulled it away from him!

Nick Wayne took the title and clocked Darby in the head with it!

“What the hell?” asked Taz.

“What a betrayal,” said Excalibur.

Christian Cage covered Darby and pinned him, retaining the TNT Title!

Christian Cage kissed Nick Wayne on the top of his head after the match. Christian Cage held Darby by the arms and Nick Wayne began to pummel Darby.

Sting came to the ring! Sting struck Nick Wayne and Christian Cage! Luchasaurus popped Sting in the face after Nick grabbed Sting’s leg. Christian placed a chair under Sting’s head. Christian was about to hit Sting with the con-chair-to when the arena lights turned off!

When the lights came back on, the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland walked onto the ramp to a massive ovation!

The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland got in the ring and asked for the chair from Christian. Adam Copeland clobbered Nick Wayne with the chair! Copeland speared Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne! Christian Cage retreated!

Copeland shook hands with Darby and Sting in the ring!

“What an unforgettable moment!” said Excalibur.

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