You know what is better than finding a gem of an independent comic? Finding Issue #2 of that gem book. It means that the first issue was successful enough that the independent creator could make more. Could continue with the story. One of the more colourful hustlers out there, and I use the term hustler with nothing but respect, is A. Shay Hahn. Great guy that works a crowd and reels you in at the comic convention table. Once he’s got you, out comes a bevvy of really unique comics. I’ve chatted about some of Shay’s eclectic comics before but this time we turn to Issue #2 of Beaver Damn.

Shay’s Beaver Damn is set in the rugged wilderness of 1820’s Canada where the fur trapper was the epitome of the adventurer. The first book featured three concurrent plot elements and these threads continue to intertwine in Issue #2. Baba Yaga from Slavic myth appears to be involved as a mysterious, and possibly mythical, parasite infects the wilderness creatures turning them into rabid killers. But in Issue 2 some of the fur trappers become infected and hunger for blood. Watching the parasitic tendrils reach out to consume the mind of the upcoming host is an image you won’t soon forget.
Once again this is basically a one-man-show with Shay doing the story and art. His style is very unique and a treat to take in. The very clean colour pallet used in Issue #1 continues giving the book that signature smooth texture. Shay’s linework is bold and eye-catching. This time around though you have to read a bit more as the follow-up features more dialogue than the first issue but don’t expect Bendis-like ballons of prose. The story really is told through the images in each panel.

My understanding is the plan continues to be a three or four issue series but in his intro, in Issue #1 Shay explained that he wants to keep the outline loose to allow any new ideas that might pop up. One variant cover has been announced to date. A special Pop Culture Canada cover featuring some fantastic work by Kundo Krunch.
Those of us that bought Issue #1 are eagerly awaiting getting our hands on a copy of Issue #2. For details and information on ordering a copy, head to A. Shay Hahn’s Facebook page here and don’t forget to check some of A. Shay Hahn’s other great comics.
Issue: Beaver Damn #2 | Publisher: Studio Comix Press
Writer: A. Shay Hahn | Artist: A. Shay Hahn
Letters: A. Shay Hahn | Editor: A. Shay Hahn
Price: $5 – 32 pages