RICH REVIEWS: Luminous Ages Volume 1 (GN)

Title: Luminous Ages Volume 1: Dragons, Monsters & Surreal Fantasy (GN)
Publisher: Anthony Christou of a Christou Design
Creator/Artist/Cover/Writer: Anthony Christou
Colours/Lettering/Collaborating Illustrator: Rob C. Richardson
Price: AU$ 32, AU$ 19 (digital)
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Here there are thirteen Gods who created the universe and Earth. They fought over who was in control. On Earth, there are thirteen artifacts of power.
The colors are all so beautifully done. They look amazing. There is a lot of variety in the characters. There are six different races on this Earth: Humans, Dragons, Beastkind, Angels, Titans, and Demons.
Kiria is the city where Thrakos lives. He is a Dream Mage. As he dreams the images he sees are so vividly drawn.
Arcturios is a Dream Mage who will help Thrakos.
The scenes with dragons in them are just masterpieces of artistic beauty. The story slowly unfolds.
At times the art is unfocused and blurry.
Arcturios and Thrakos begin their journey. They want to release all of Thrakos’s powers. They are joined on their quest. They also face many dangers along the way.
The wolves are illustrated so beautifully they look alive. The evil wolf now this creature is a frightening sight.
The storyline is hard to follow. The book ends kind of part way through the story as if it should be continuing.
The characters are a wonderful magical group. They just needed a little more insight into them. Thrakos depends on others too much and should be shown being able to stand on his own more.
The magical influences throughout this comic along with the wondrous artwork do provide an entertaining and delightful graphic novel.

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