Another one of the wonderful things about comics is their ability to lift you out of a funk and transport you to an imaginative world free of your current woes. And it seems that whenever I’m in a dark place a package comes in the mail with a bit of light. A bit of humour and a great distraction. My friends from the Canadian Comic Book Alliance came through not once but twice this week. More on the second book later but first up is Big Nick #3 from Expired Comics.

“From the dark void of space a mysterious and malevolent entity is heading towards Earth, alerted by something ancient that lies beneath the Sudbury Basin. Join Big Nick in part one of this astronomical epic, as he faces a threat from beyond our solar system. A menace so big, even he can’t possibly face alone.”

Dagnabbit but I needed to read this book this week.
Martin Deschatelets & Kevin Montpellier write such a typical Canadian comic book. Adventure, action and a generous sprinkling of humour. You can’t help but smile reading Big Nick. If you have ever experienced a Canadian pothole or are addicted to coffee you’ll laugh out loud a few times reading this issue. And surprise cameos abound as well! Mart and Kevin tap into the CCBA stable of characters and feature Auroraman, Auric of the Great White North, Blackthone, Spacepig Hamadeaus, Jason of New York City and newcomer Penny Steele. Top notch artwork from Mart Deschatelets & Nicholas Lockhead and a really high-quality printing make the comic stand out as a step above your average indie comic book.
Available at as well as the previous two issues of Big Nick. Grab your copy today!
Issue: Big Nick #3 | Publisher: Expired Comics
Writer: Martin Deschatelets & Kevin Montpellier | Artists: Mart Deschatelets & Nicholas Lockhead
Price: $10.00 CAN – 20 pages