First Comics News: Where did the idea for “Highly Gifted” come from?
Jeremy Lehrer: I wish I could say it came from a place that had nothing to do with our actual lives, but, sadly it came from a place that is our actual lives.
1st: How would you describe the animation style in “Highly Gifted”?
Jeremy: Corey Campodonico and his amazing team at Shadow Machine did a fantastic job of bringing our drawing style to life in the episodes. Our drawing style is the opposite of smooth and professional. It’s agitated and shaky and neither of us can draw a straight line to save our lives. If you like smooth and perfect and cute then we’re probably not for you.
1st: How many episodes of “Highly Gifted” do you have planned out?
Jeremy: Well, we have 20 shorts that are finished.
1st: Why should someone watch “Highly Gifted”?
Jeremy: Because my twin brother informs me that they are “hilarious” and “the greatest artistic creation ever.” His words. Not mine.
1st: What will we find on Instagram as far as your Daily comic strip posts?
Jeremy: You will find a peek into our brains. The subject matter glides over all the things we find interesting and/or not interesting in the universe. If you follow us, the contours and rhythm of our mind will become clear, and you will eventually realize that you are dealing with two idiots. At that point, you will most likely unfollow or block us.
1st: Have you ever used President Trump in any posts?
Jeremy: The Donaldo has made a number of guest appearances in our posts, although we are not by any means exclusively “political.” Don posts have a tendency to be big hitters.
1st: What has been your funniest creation?
Jeremy: I think Daniel would have to agree that the funniest creations are the ones that are thought up and/or drawn by JEREMY.
1st: Would you like to see “Highly Gifted” as a full-length real life movie?
Jeremy: Probably not. For me, what was interesting and painful about high school is that there were no big lessons or wrap-up to it. The idea of making a movie that has to wrap things up or show how the characters learned something in some way is not particularly appealing. I wrapped nothing up and learned nothing about myself in high school and I intend to be true to that. Unless someone offers me a lot of money to make a movie of course. Then it’s a great idea.
1st: What do you have planned next?
Jeremy: We have a couple shows in the works with some people you’ve probably heard of, but can’t really discuss them yet. Hopefully, news to come soon.
1st: How are a comic strip and a comic book different?
Jeremy: Well, it’s kind of the difference between serial and episodic (FYI: this is a conversation that inept tv executives love to have when they don’t what to ask about the content). A comic strip kind of has to “restart” every time. Whatever happened last week is magically erased or forgotten the next week. A comic book goes deeper and the characters and world have a sort of institutional memory.
1st: How did you develop your wit and infuse it into your cartoons?
Jeremy: It was developed by growing up in an extremely loud and large extended family where only the loudest were heard. We were the loudest. Which is our version of wit.
1st: What was it like growing up with Daniel?
Jeremy: We were competitive. We were convinced that we were “individuals” and labored under this misapprehension for many years before voltroning our stupidity together.
1st: Did you ever think you would have the success you have had with Lehrerboys?
Jeremy: We’ve had success???
1st: Any words for your fans?
Jeremy: Lugubrious. Fecund. Parsimonious. Those are good words. And they are for our fans.