Title: Agents of Pact # 2
Publisher: Chapterhouse
Written by: Kalman Andrasofszky & Blake Northcott
Pencils & Inks by: Federica Manfredi
Colors by: Caroline Nolasco
Cover by: Bella Rachlin
Letters by: Andrew Thomas
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.chapterhouse.ca
Comments: Pact is on U.S. soil to investigate a breach. What has come through it?
The art is solid and beautiful. Each character does pop out at you but in a subdued way.
Marla meets Steeltown Hammer he is an idiot. Marla though in the ensuing fight shows that she is becoming a super-hero. We see that she does have what it takes. Her power to control gold is illustrated wonderfully. You get to see her using this power to her best ability and then becoming even better.
Kebec is asked to join Pact and just seeing Manon aka La Fleur De Lys gives you her answer as she reacts.
Marla and Redcoat do some bonding. It is not all emotional with Redcoat being such a tough woman. Marla still has reservations about following directives. The two though have a better understanding of each other and seemingly will work better together.
These superheroes are different than others. These super-heroes are brave and tough and female but what really makes them stand out is that they are all proud Canadians!