Jerry Hinds talks about MAGA Man

Black conservative Jerry Hinds has a new comic in the middle of crowdfunding, about Donald Trump as a superhero, MAGA Man. Very appropriately timed during election season. Is this Donald Trump as a serious superhero? Is this a parody? What’s Elon Musk doing in the comic? There are so many questions. Jerry was nice enough to stop by First Comics News and let our readers know all about MAGA Man.

First Comics News: What inspired you to create MAGA Man, and how did you develop the concept?

Jerry Hinds: Reality: fact is stranger than fiction, and I genuinely see that Trump is a force for free speech and Western ideals ‘good’. Putting Musk in the mix writes itself. And Ellison is pretty much a metaphor for me.

1st: Can you explain how you can use figures like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Vince Everett Ellis without needing their permission?

Jerry: I don’t have permission. I also strongly believe that ‘fortune also favors the brave’. These guys would look at my comic, see it’s all ages, and that I’m shining a positive light on what they stand for.

1st: How does parody law protect your use of these well-known figures in the comic?

Jerry: I saw Obama was on a Spider-Man cover. Jay Leno was in a comic I also remember. Jordan Peterson was clearly an ‘influence’ for a more recent depiction of The Red Skull. The good stuff typically flows in a liberal leftist direction – I’m simply evening the scales you could say.

1st: Are there any legal concerns you’ve had to navigate while developing MAGA Man?

Jerry: No. This project needs to be the way it is to have maximum meaning. If I get closed down, then that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

1st: Is MAGA Man intended to be a satire or parody of current political figures and events?

Jerry: Neither, It’s what I term EEC: Entertaining Escapist Commentary.

1st: What are the key themes MAGA Man explores, and how do they reflect or critique real-world politics?

Jerry: It mainly shines a light on the Fascistic nature of mainstream media and the European establishment types. The open border, anti-Christina neo-Marxist teachings are, I believe, threatening the fabric of free speech and what Western Civilization has championed for hundreds of years now.

1st: What role does humor play in the storytelling of MAGA Man? Is it the driving force behind the narrative?

Jerry: Humor plays a backseat role in the story; in a way that it’s no more used than it would be in an old-school superhero comic. The characters make wisecracks and quips, but the concept in itself is not a ‘joke’. It’s a powered-up drama about a much-needed superhero for the times.

1st: Does MAGA Man lean toward any particular political viewpoint, or does it aim to critique multiple sides?

Jerry: It’s definitely conservative, and predominantly Right-Leaning in its message.

1st: What kind of response have you gotten from early readers or backers regarding the inclusion of these high-profile figures?

Jerry: I’ve not really interacted with any of the backers thus far. Some on Facebook have voiced great support, and I’m just in the midst of stepping up the marketing as we’re in the final two weeks of the Kickstarter (Indiegogo has over 30 days left).

1st: How do you approach character development for public figures like Trump or Musk in a parody setting?

Jerry: I believe these characters write themselves. I also believe that with age, clarity is easier to discern. I’m 60 years old and spent 55 of those years being a Leftist Liberal. That’s because largely I wasn’t ‘political’, and wasn’t paying attention… and that’s how the Left works; it plays on innocence, naivety, and ignorance.

1st: How does the portrayal of Donald Trump in MAGA Man differ from other media depictions of him?

Jerry: Most other media approach him from a propagandist angle. “Hitler”, “Threat to Democracy”, “Liar”, “Cheat” etc etc. No man is perfect, but I know that much of what they say is not true. And his first term in the white house proves this. And the worst slur is, “He’s Racist”. Anyone can check his history with black people. He financed The Reverend Jesse Jackson’s run for the presidency – He wanted a black President! He supported Mike Tyson and Michael Jackson when the rest of the world had turned their backs on them. He said years ago that Oprah Winfrey would be his first choice as a Vice President should he run for office. The list goes on…

1st: What kind of research did you do into Trump, Musk, and Ellis to make them as realistic as possible in the confines of the story?

Jerry: Watch alternative media and use my mature instincts. I’m not the world’s most astute businessman, so this project may be born primarily of passion, with the hope that it can pay its own way. The market will judge, and as a capitalist, I’m 100% fine with that.

1st: Are there any hidden jokes or Easter eggs involving real-life personalities that readers should look out for?

Jerry: Yes there is! Some of the bad guys are based on real-life people… whose names HAVE been ‘adjusted’. Hopefully, I’ve captured their likenesses enough that folk can indeed still tell who they’re supposed to be.

1st: What are the risks and rewards of using real-world public figures in a comic book format?

Jerry: The rewards will be immeasurable. The risks are worth it. I’m not doing this because I expect it to be hugely financially successful – I think it COULD be, though the reason for doing it is more an act of duty. I’m British and can’t vote in the US election. However, as the most powerful nation on earth, and the last standing bastion of Western democracy that still seems to support free speech, I can at least fight the fight from the culture war battleground, which is very very important.

1st: Have you encountered any backlash or support from fans of Trump, Musk, or Ellison regarding their appearances in the comic?

Jerry: Not as of yet. However, this may change of course if the concept gains real traction.

1st: Can you talk about the creative team behind MAGA Man?

Jerry: Me! I’m what you can describe as ‘A Black Conservative’. To mainstream media, we are the lowest form of life. Joe Biden accuses us of ‘not being Black’. It’s otherwise saying that we are not supposed to be fiscally observant, supportive of marriage and the nuclear family unit, be anti-crime, have self-control, and not promote debauchery. Basically, we are ALL supposed to love rap music and the culture it promotes. We are all supposed to feel threatened by White people too.

1st: Do you plan on creating sequels or spin-offs of MAGA Man featuring other prominent political or business figures?

Jerry: Indeed! Though this all depends on Trump winning the election! I would love to reveal Ultra MAGA… but that will only appear in #2…

1st: What do you hope backers and readers will take away from MAGA Man — is it simply for entertainment, or does it carry a deeper message?

Jerry: Precisely those things in unison; I hope to entertain while educating. The way Stan Lee used to. Back in the late 1960’s, the Sub-Mariner taught me about the threat of industry on the oceans. I never felt preached to, because the characterization of Subby was on point. Iron Man taught me about industrial plants… my brother would clarify these things for me, and in that way, I’m trying to explain the evils of misdirected groups like ANTIFA and BLM. Readers may not have considered these perspectives before, because mainstream simply doesn’t go there.

1st: After the election, if Trump wins, do you think there will be additional demand for the comic? How do you plan to capitalize on that demand?

Jerry: I think there could be… if everything goes in a positive direction, I would be more than happy to continue a Conservative line of publications pushing culture from that vantage point.

1st: What is the minimum price for a digital copy?

Jerry: US$5.35

1st: What is the minimum price for a print copy?

Jerry: US$15.34

1st: What is the URL for the campaign?

Jerry: Kickstarter:

1st: What makes MAGA Man so cool, no true comic fan should miss this first issue.

Jerry: In the traditions of Superman and Thor, he has a large red cape!! LOL. The story I believe also has an exciting balance of power and love. Something I greatly appreciated from old comics, were the relationships within the stories. Melania Trump and John Jr appear in the story. Musk is being ‘Musk’, and after his appearance at Butler this past weekend, I know I’m right on the money with his characterization.

1st: Comics and Movies carry a disclaimer “All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.” Since MGM lost their lawsuit in 1932. I think this will be interesting to readers of all backgrounds. How you developed it and worked within the framework of the laws.

Jerry: I’m working outside of the law I guess… which is often the way. I’m not hurting anyone in any dangerous way. I am however shining a light on certain truths. I believe that Trump, Muska & Ellison would pick up on this and just leave me be. The bad guys however are another thing… and should they come after me, then that would be a dream – the Streisand Effect would come into full play, and what better publicity could I hope for?!

1st: I know we used Trump in our first issue of Agent Kirby for G-Man Comics but have pivoted to a fictitious President recently.

Jerry: We all need to do what we need to do. I will publish a disclaimer depicting that the heroic likenesses are totally intentional. I trust our heroes to see and feel the bigger picture here. If they don’t, then as stated before, it is what it is supposed to be.

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