INDY SPOTLIGHT: Pineapple Man #10

Things don’t always go according to plan, as Isamu and Miyo are about to discover. When legends come alive, Isamu has to use all his luck to survive. It helps that he’s a little bit crazy as well.
Once a syndicate strongarm, Isamu Pahoa is killed at a heiau dedicated to Kukailimoku, the Hawaiian God of War. He is raised up and given the Warrior’s Gift, which he often considers a curse. With his new abilities, he turns his life around and finds himself in the position of being a hero, all while struggling with his newfound knowledge that the legends of Hawaii are very much alive in the present day. Pineapple Man combines legend, history, and the multicultural traditions of Hawaii in a way that fans everywhere can relate to.
By Sam Campos and Genesis Maya
Standard Comic
Black & White
Page Count: 32
Print $10.00
Digital $2.99

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