REVIEW CORNER: The Moon Is Following Us # 1

The Moon Is Following Us # 1
Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Colorist: Mike Spicer
Letterer: Shawn Lee
Cover Date: September 2024
This week I will look at “The Moon Is Following Us”, the latest Image Comics offering from writer/artist Daniel Warren Johnson. The series puts a dark twist on a pulp offering as Sam and Duncan LaMarr, a married couple who love their six-year-old daughter, Penny, more than anything in the whole world But was suddenly taken by the Cascade, an evil force they barely understand. Now, Sam and Duncan must fight side by side with the magical beings Penny cherished to try and get her back. This series is off to a great start given the fact that DWJ is once again at his best when it comes to delivering the usual hallmarks in his writing such as displaying strong emotional depth while bringing the fast-paced action to the forefront in a way that only he can.

These factors alone make DJW one of the comic industry’s premier storytellers especially when he captures the attention of the audience with his ability to focus on character development, giving us a chance to feel what the characters are going through while keeping the drama and suspense alive and well; Riley Rossmo’s art still has that bizarre abstract feel to it where it could have been better if he would have just switched up his style to complement DWJ’s writing. Still, since he brought a real brightness to his art that looks good which is a plus but until Rossmo takes some chances in experimenting with his art style, it could only be categorized as just being okay. DWJ gets the chance to slow things down with the last few pages with the beautiful ending (**NO SPOILERS**) that will give us a true understanding of this dynamic story but also lets the readers know that the emotional stakes that were displayed in this issue will continue to be a presence in the later issues to come. The Moon Is Following Us is “Flash Gordon” meets “Heavy Metal” to where it blends Sci-Fi and Fantasy to perfection while making this another win for DWJ and being a series worth checking out.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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