SDCC: Mike Friedrich Spotlight

Mike Friedrich Spotlight (51:00, 116mb)
Joe Ferrara spoke to Mike about his work on Batman, his move to Marvel and the characters he co-created there, his becoming a publisher with Star*Reach, who came up with the term “Ground Level” comics to describe what he was doing, what he learned from underground publishers, some of the creators that got their start with him, the decision to give artists their art back and royalties on their work, Elric and Michael Moorcock, what caused Star*Reach to fail, working for Marvel again doing their Direct Market sales, why he was only there for a short time, hiring Carol Kalish, his work for Pacific Comics and creating their contract, his becoming an agent for comic creators and some of the deals he was able to get, Chadwick and Concrete, teaming Jeff Loeb and Tim Sale, Howard Cruse and Stuck Rubber Baby, creating Pro-Con and Wonder Con, Joe spoke about the Cash Register program with Carol Kalish, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and Michael Chabon, leaving comics on his own terms, getting a cheque from Marvel for his role in co-creating some of the characters they use.

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