SDCC: Maggie Thompson Spotlight

Maggie Thompson Spotlight (48:20, 110mb)
Besides Maggie, Valerie Thompson and Devon Jaruk were on the panel. Maggie talked about how to keep the fun going after the con is over. She spoke about the earliest con she ever attended. She said her family picked up a hitchhiker and returned the favour by sending them Humbug #1, Hitchhiker was Don Thompson who would eventually become her husband. She spoke about how her family did cosplay at sci-fi conventions, the first comic book convention she attended, Valerie spoke about meeting Mel Blank and asking him to do an obscure voice which he was very happy to do, meeting Carl Barks through mutual family friends, finding out Carl had All In Color for a Dime which Don was super happy about, how during their fanzine days her and Don being adults lead to publishers trusting them more and giving them information other fanzines couldn’t get, Disney’s initial objection to their proposed article on Carl Barks for the last issue of their Comic Art fanzine, learning who Quintin Tarantino’s mother is, Maggie told anecdotes from hanging out with friends & celebrities after the conventions, Valerie and Devon talked about how they kept in contact with people after a convention, how Maggie learned to work a mimeograph, saying Thank you to creators and keeping in touch with them and how that lead to a friendship with Walt Kelly, they spoke about Comic Book: The Movie, paying it forward, the most positive change they’ve seen in fandom over the years, The Dead Dog party after San Diego, buying art at a yard sale and learning it was done by Carl Bark’s wife.

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