Title: Zombie Tramp # 4
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Creator: Dan Mendoza
Writers: Dan Mendoza & Jason Martin
Artist: TMChu
Colors: Jason Martin
Letters: Dave Dwonch with Jason Martin
Covers: TMChu
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: This book contains a no-holds-barred zombie showdown and an explicitly traumatic sexual situation!
Where else but here could you see a sword fight between a zombie Elvis and a zombie Tramp. He is a big fat blob and she is super sexy with one nice butt. These two are drawn in one hell of a fight. We do get treated to some guts.
There is T & A in these pages and violence so this comic is for a mature audience.
Janey is a sadistic killer but there is just something about her personality that makes you cheer for her. Her back story is sad and she was used. So now she has the ability to fight back. Zombie Tramp can certainly fight. This girl is hell in heels. She is killer sexy.