TCAF 2024: Maurice Vellekoop: I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together

Maurice Vellekoop: I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together (1:01:32, 140.0mb)
Miles Baker does the introduction. Maurice does a reading from his new book, then he is interviewed by Rachel Giese. Among the topics were his upbringing, themes that run through the book, the role that family photos mad in making the book, the help he had in getting the details of the places depicted in the past, the influence of specific people had on him as told in the book, where the title of the book comes from, his diverse taste in high and low art and if there is a connecting tissue within in, his trip to a castle and the effect it had on him, the positive side of his religious upbringing, depictions of his therapy sessions and voices in his head, how people in his past have reacted to the book, did his art change over the 10 years of making it and how he dealt with that, the process for creating the art for the book, the emotional turmoil in making the book, how he decided what stories to use, why he had to re-write and re-draw some of the book, what compelled him to do the book in the first place, how he chose the colours for the various chapters and his age recommendation for the book.
This took place on Thursday Night (May 9th) 7pm @ Toronto Reference Library in their new Jack Robinvitch Room.

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