Title: When the Blood Has Dried # 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Script by: Gary Moloney
Art by: Daniel Romero
Lettered by: Becca Carey
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: Darius finds Heabh and both are part of a Guild. This part is not connected to the rest of the story yet other than through Meabh. This part does have excitement, thrills, and a build-up.
The scenery is simply illustrated and the countryside is gorgeous. The people have a rough countryside look to them.
Meabh is shown as well-liked. She is the local Barkeep. The person who provides the booze everyone will like. She runs her bar on her rules. She also runs it with a good attitude. Her friend Fergus is a nice dwarfish guy. Then a Bard walks into their lives Nicolai.
The Adventurers Guild is coming and it looks like this small town is going to get a lot more exciting.
This issue is only twenty pages long so there is hardly time to get to know all the characters well. The brief introductions though do show us characters of interest. Meabh is likable and you get the idea she and Fergus may have more to them.
This first issue is a good start for this series now it just has to take off. Meabh is the one who will make or break it. She is a darling.