BAD IDEA to Give Away Advance Copies of INEBRIO HORSEFEATHERS at New York Comic Con!

That’s right!!! Announced just this week and already printed! We’re bringing copies for attendees at BAD IDEA’s NYCC panel!

INEBRIO HORSEFEATHERS is coming to BAD IDEA destination stores in November, but you want it now! Well, since we’re so far ahead we’re going to give it to you. We’ll have copies to give away to every attendee to the BAD IDEA panel at NYCC. But don’t be late! Because we’ve got even more in store for you!

To earn your copy just come to room 406.1 at 8:45 PM Saturday and make sure to sign up to follow the SAVE NOW Kickstarter campaign before you do.

Also make sure to visit the BAD IDEA booth (3641) for even more convention swag!

We’re even bringing treats! Come and experience the BAD IDEA Perfect Donut!

Not only will you learn what makes BAD IDEA tick, discover what’s in store for the future, and get the chance to ask questions directly, we’re also going to have limited edition BAD IDEA Donut boxes for the first fifty (50) panel attendees. For everyone else, we’ll have actual Perfect Donuts (yes we made a new batch). Plus, you can earn the convention exclusive comic book! All panel attendees who are signed up to follow the SAVE NOW Kickstarter campaign are also eligible for one (1) free copy of the convention exclusive MISSION GO: A TANKERS STORY #1, available in full color for the first time and only in limited supplies. To follow the campaign, simply click here and then click the NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH button to learn when the campaign will launch.

So join us for our panel presentation at New York Comic Con on Saturday, October 14th at 8:45 PMin room 406.1, and hear what’s coming from the upstart comics publisher everyone’s talking about, get all your questions answered, and earn all this amazing swag and convention exclusives!

<<< BAD IDEA — the last and greatest underground comics publisher — is going live at New York Comic-Con for the first time. That’s right this is BAD IDEA’s first NYCC panel. Be here — or miss the rendezvous between BAD IDEA impresarios Dinesh Shamdasani, and Atom! Freeman who give you, dear reader, the first look inside the closed channel of the most high-frequency experiment in self-distro comics culture. Join us for all this, special guests AND a free gift. >>> END.

Sat, Oct 14, 2023 @ 8:45 PM
Room 406.1

But that’s not all! We’ve got ANOTHER convention exclusive comic for you!

Be sure to come by the BAD IDEA booth to participate in the race for a ONE-OF-ONE copy of SAVE NOW NYCC #1 hand lettered by Matt Kindt!

Each copy of SAVE NOW NYCC #1 comes with custom hand lettered captions by writer Matt Kindt, a unique ONE-OF-ONE convention exclusive!
SAVE NOW is the story of a man who can ‘save’ any point in his life and return to it, reliving his life from that moment forward with the ability to change his actions. But with great power, also comes great pain. He is cursed with only being able to travel backwards, never forwards, and is burdened by having to spend his relived life in real time. Travel back 6 days, and he must relive those days in full, all the while, aging in real time.

Thanks to BAD IDEA, you too will be able to experience this incredible power, and if you’re smart enough, and fast enough, you can earn yourself a free copy of SAVE NOW NYCC #1!

Here’s how:

  1. Come by the BAD IDEA booth (3641) at one of the four designated times below and secure your racing bib.
  2. We will assign to you 3 locations on the convention floor to race to. A BAD IDEA representative will be at each location but only one of them will have the redemption sticker you need.
  3. Race to the locations until you’ve located the redemption sticker then return to booth 3641.
  4. You only have 10 minutes to complete this task. If you return within that time you will have earned a copy of SAVE NOW NYCC #1.
  5. Get writer Matt Kindt to hand letter custom, 1-of-1 captions into your copy and make it a completely unique story!

Now the small print!
– To qualify to race, you must sign up to follow the SAVE NOW Kickstarter campaign. To follow the campaign, simply click here and then click the NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH button to learn when the campaign will launch.
– You do not have to visit all 3 locations, you only need to find and return with the redemption sticker.
– If you return after 10 minutes, fear not, hold onto your racing bib because you can get back in line and try again or return at another one of the designated times.
– SAVE NOW NYCC #1 is strictly limited to two hundred (200) copies. Only the first 200 racers to successfully return with a redemption sticker will earn a copy. Once all copies are gone the race will be over.
– Last year we sold out midway through the first day of NYCC. We anticipate another quick sell out. If you visit the BAD IDEA booth and find the race is already over, don’t fret. Come say ‘hi’ because we’ve planned a very special gift for all those who missed the race.
– A pro tip! Much like the journey within SAVE NOW, you will likely be visiting locations you’ve already been to during New York Comic Con. Use this knowledge to find the fastest route. Time will be of the essence. 

We will only have 200 copies of SAVE NOW NYCC #1 available. Plan to come to the earliest designated time you can. And get excited because this is the Save Now-iest SAVE NOW yet. Each and every copy of SAVE NOW NYCC #1 is built to be a unique 1-of-1 comic. The fateful final SAVE NOW conversation with Integrity International is once again the subject of the story but this time we’ve left several captions blank and writer Matt Kindt has graciously agreed to personally hand letter dialogue into your copy, making each and every copy of SAVE NOW NYCC #1 a unique story!

SAVE NOW Race Times:

  • Thursday 10/12 between 2:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Friday 10/13 between noon – 1:00pm
  • Saturday 10/14 between 2:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Sunday 10/15 between noon – 1:00pm

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