THE BOOK CAVE: Lynx Grindhouse Special #1

Lynx Grindhouse Special #1

Lynx Grindhouse Special #1 from Paper Heroes Comics G-Man Comics, written by Rik Offenberger, art by Arnaldo Dos Santos Ferreira Junior, color by Victor Raniery, letters by Francisco Zamora, script editor Chris Squires and managing editor Jim Burrows. I like the title given for the story, Dog Pound. This is not your typical story start, Mateo Martinez is a former Army Ranger and Maya Santiago is a Kindergarten Teacher. How many Kindergarten Teachers have you seen comic books, teach by day and fight criminals by night as very violent superheroes?

This comic book contains two stories as one. Both Mateo and Maya, Lynx, fight a heavily armed gang robbing a warehouse, too bad the gang is outmatched. Then, afterward, they relax at home where you find out what they normally do when not fighting crime. Now for the main story, Mateo makes a run to the bank as an errand for his job, only to find a bank robbery by a brutal, not too bright, costumed foursome disguised as dogs. As I said, not the brightest group. The only thing I’ll spoil about the story is how the villains are fought, a twist on the superhero fight. I enjoyed how the twist is done.

Both the art and writing are very well done. G-Men Comics is quickly becoming one of the best new comic book companies in the independent market. I’ve enjoyed every issue I’ve read and look forward to reading more.

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