ART’S REVIEWS: The Spider: Scourge of the Scorpion by Will Murray

Pulp legend Will Murray has completed his third Spider novel (Scourge of the Scorpion).  In my opinion it is his best Spider novel yet!  This is a cross-over story involving another pulp vigilante (The Skull Killer) with a complex plot that has elements of pulp action, horror, mystery, detective work, and several plot twists that will keep you guessing.  The hardcover version has a novella (The Scorpion’s Snare) involving a crossover between pulp heroes Red Finger and Operator 5 which is tangentially related to the main novel.  The hardcover also has an afterword that explains some of Will’s creative process of weaving together Scourge of the Scorpion.  WARNING!  The afterword has several spoilers so don’t read it until you have read the main novel.  You will be glad you did.  Don’t miss this one!

The Book is currently available on the Adventures in Bonze website and should be on Amazon within a week.


Scourge of the Scorpion:

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