Title: Nottingham # 6
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: David Hazan
Artist: Shane Connery Volk
Colorist: Luca Romano
Letterer: Justin Birch
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: In the year of our Lord 1193 in the town of Nottingham we see Sheriff Everard Blackthorne walking down the street.
The Sheriff faces Hood in the forest only the odds are in Hood’s favor. Things do go the Sheriff’s way yet the meeting here will lead to another meeting later.
Now King Richard has been kidnapped. A ransom is asked and the Sheriff and his men get the delivery duty. You know of course there is no way they will be left alone to deliver it in peace.
The Lady Marian now she is resourceful. Marian does make a huge move here. She is a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it with a passion.
The art does portray a beautiful Marian, Little John he looks big and toouch, the Merry Men are drawn as a rough looking group, the Sheriff is a dark soul that has a hard edge, Robin has loyalty to his King and is willing to fight to save him.
The characters here are very different from the ones you may have read about or heard of. Robin Hood, Little John, Lady Marian and Sheriff of Nothingham you will recognize them at first then as the story unfolds you will realize you do not know these characters who are a twisted version of the ones you know of.
Alliances are made, making for strange bedfellows. Everyone has an agenda here. They all want something. The question is who is willing to push the hardest to get it.